Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Student Snapshot: Jeff Brichford

Earning a Future

In the 2017 season, Jeff Brichford has quickly made a name for himself amongst the area's wrestling community.  His spectacular season thus far included a 15 match winning streak against tough competition.  Overall, Jeff has tallied up a 24-3 record in the 120lb weight class.
This strong record is the best on the Madison team and more than justifies him being named as a team captain his junior year.  When asked about his leadership, Jeff says "I try to help people by example and teach them what they don't understand." 
Jeff Brichford wrestles at the Pin City tournament where
he would claim 3rd place. Photo cr. William Mayer
No one is questioning the worth of that example as he claimed 1st in the Restward Memorial tournament, 1st in the Kenston invitational, and 3rd in the Pin City tournament.  Of all his accomplishments, Jeff says taking the Kenston Invitational crown is his most memorable.  Against the tough competition there, Jeff took his first ever high school tournament championship.
Off the mats, Jeff is also a shining example.  He manages to hold a 3.8 GPA as a student athlete while also working at a local nursery.  He's also found rewards for his academic prowess in becoming a member of Leadership Lake County and winning the American Legion government test.  This second honor netted him $100 and a free dinner!
Complacency is no where to be found in Jeff's vocabulary.  Simply put, Jeff states, "You get what you earn."  What he seeks to earn is a spot in the state tournament to earn his place among the great wrestlers Madison has offered over the years.  This won't come easy, though, as the 120lb weight class is particularly difficult at the district level.  Thankfully for him, and Madison wrestling, Jeff will have two more shots at making this dream come true.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Student Snapshot: Alyssa Rose

All In, All Heart
By: Kaitlyn Rohl

“All in, All Heart” Says three year varsity starter Alyssa Rose. She has been playing basketball since she was 5 years old, and has lead her team in five wins this season. Alyssa Rose stands out with her amazing athletic ability. She is a great passer and is amazing at being able to see the floor. She has a record of scoring the highest of nineteen points in her game against Lakeview.
“Whenever you need a laugh or a boost of confidence, she is always there, having her as a teammate is the best gift anyone could ask for, you can put her up to any task and she'll finish it without ease.” Says teammate Mykayla Askew.
Other teammate Aly Berry says “She always has my been my best friend the best teammate and she always finds some way to cheer me up and make me laugh.”
One of her most memorable moments was winning the PAC for basketball her freshman year. Alyssa was honored to have her “older sisters” Abbie Thompson and Alicia Major take her under their wings and help her out to become the player she is today.
Not only does Alyssa stand out as a basketball player, but she is a standout Softball player. Alyssa has been playing varsity softball for past three years. She wants to pursue her dream of playing college softball and becoming a sports psychologist. She decided this as a career choice because she wants to stay involved with sports even outside of school. Alyssa says she wants to test players to see if they should be drafted, and see if their personality would fit the team.
She is already getting letters in the mail and emails to play college softball. Before her high school years end Alyssa wants to break softball records, pitch a perfect game and become a better shooter. She also wants a undefeated season next year during her basketball season, before the end of her high school career.
Alyssa Rose isn't only a great player but an amazing student. She holds a 3.8 GPA while still being involved in two sports. She is very interested in math and science. Outside of school Alyssa enjoys hanging out with her friends and family, and watching one of her favorite movies the Blind Side. Her number one favorite TV show is Pretty Little Liars. Come out to North this Tuesday and support your Madison Lady Blue Streaks!

Student Snapshot: Hunter Wentz

Record Breaker
By: Jordan Pasalaqua
For some people swimming is just a sport to stay in shape or to get out of the house, but for Hunter Wentz it seems as though it’s a way of life. 
He started swimming in 2008 at the age of 8 years old. His good friend Joey Smith, whom he played soccer with at the time, had sisters who swam. Joey began swimming when he was 7 years old. Hunter quickly joined the year after.  
On January 15th, 2017 at Perry High School, Hunter Wentz broke the 100 breaststroke record for Madison High School which stood at a 1:05.28 from 04-05.  He broke it with an outstanding time of 1:05.10! Also on that day, his teammates Collin Douglas, Zach Zembower and Joey Smith broke the 200M record, which stood at a 1:47.22 from 15-16. They broke it with a time of 1:47.01.  
Hunter said, “I hadn’t swam the event since last season, so my coach, Mr. Artz, put me in it to see what my time would be and I just happened to break the record.” 
Hunter said he felt pretty good during the race, but he didn’t expect to go nearly as fast because he hadn’t done the race in so long. Hunter also enjoys swimming the 500 freestyle and the 200 freestyle when competing.  So far Hunter has had three years of school academic awards, and has been a varsity swimmer for three years. Hunter is not only a great swimmer but has been working hard attending Lakeland classes. Hunter’s goal in High School is to break the 200 IM record in swimming and graduate with an associate degree from Lakeland College. 
For Hunter’s High School highlight he says the best moment of high school would be his junior year when he started taking Lakeland classes to work towards his goal of graduating with a two year degree. In Hunter’s near future he plans to go to a college out of state and major in either Philosophy or Evolutionary Biology long term. He also plans to go medical school or do some graduate studying. Hunter’s two favorite classes are Biology and Philosophy. His all time favorite music artist is Rootkit, and his favorite movie is Pacific Rim. 
Hunter has great outlook on life, is extremely focused and has a bright future ahead of him. He is proof you can surprise even yourself when you are always giving 100%.  

Friday, January 20, 2017

1/20 Pep Assembly

Blue Streaks, Assemble!

On the day of the biggest test for our undefeated Blue Streaks thus far, the student body assembled to honor all our winter athletes. Swimming, Wrestling, Girls' Basketball, Gymnastics and Boys' Basketball were all presented to thunderous applause.  
Principal Fisher took the privilege of lauding our solo gymnast.  "This gal is one of the best gymnasts in all of Ohio," he said of Junior Gabby Blackford.
Coaches Artz and Smith were equally proud of their swim and basketball teams, respectively.  The common thread through them all is a hard working spirit and absolute refusal to give up on their teams.  
To top off the assembly, Boys' Basketball head coach Pat Moran gave a speech on unity and school spirit.  He called this senior class "one of the best I've had the privilege to coach at Madison."  Check out the video of Coach Moran riling up the crowd and DO NOT miss the action tonight as the Streaks and the Arcs battle for the top spot in the WRC! Tip off at 7:30pm in the MHS gym.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

BBK v. Brush: Preview

Big Stage, Bigger Stakes
By: Samantha Parmertor

This Friday Night the boys' basketball team has a big game against the Brush Arcs. Not only is this game important because Madison is undefeated, but this game also determines who is ranked number one in the WRC. Both Madison and Brush are undefeated in their conference games.
Madison recently played Mayfield Wildcats and had a rough start to the game, but the whole team came together as one and put another win in their winning streak. The ending score was 82-46. The squad on Burns road just cannot be stopped.
 Some standout players like Zach Guyer and Corbin Anthony have had an outstanding season so far. Zach is the main 3 point shooter of the team, knows when it’s okay to take the shots himself or pass it off to his teammates. Corbin can not only dunk, but he is the mid range specialist of the team. Both Corbin and Zach said “We have had an outstanding season so far. We fought so hard in every game. We have grown up playing together. We click better than any other team. This game will hands down be the biggest game of the season. Definitely not a game you want to miss.” They both are incredible athletes and know how to keep the team together when they get into tough situations.
The boys basketball team picked up right where the football team left off entertaining Madison’s Friday nights. The whole town comes together in the gym filling it with high spirits. We have the band playing. We have the fans and the spirit section supporting and cheering on the team.
Assistant principal Mr Mayer said, “It really helps that we are at home because we have such a high spirited environment. We out run every team we play. We are way more conditioned than all the teams we have played. Just like against NDCL we out ran them. Brush is a fast team I feel as if they will turn it into a track meet. I know we can keep up with them but their speed might be the biggest challenge of the game. As long as we keep the ball moving and not pla  selfish ball and play team ball, then there’s not doubt that we can pull out another win.”
Last year Madison and Brush  played twice, Madison pulled out a W for both games. The first game Madison won by 3 points and the second game they went into overtime. This definitely is game that you don’t want to miss!

Student Snapshot: Victoria Tromba

Loud and Proud
By: Emma Weaver

Victoria Tromba is a tenth grade JV basketball cheer captain. While being a great cheerleader who is always positive and has a smile on her face, she also keeps amazing grades.
How does such a dedicated and devoted cheerleader keep her grades up? “After cheer I always go home and do my homework and i always make time for studying,” Victoria said.
Right now Victoria, or as her friends call her “Vic,” has straight A’s in school and is one of the captains on the cheer team. Vic has high expectations for herself like acquiring above a 3.5 GPA. Vic also wants to get into National Honors Society, and she would like to earn an honors diploma. In her future, near or far, Vic wants to get into a small college and study pharmacy.
Victoria’s favorite memory of high school so far, is earning a spot on the Madison Varsity Soccer team. That’s right! Vic is not only a cheerleader but also a great soccer player.
Victoria is a great person in and out of sports.
“She is my best friend and she always makes me feel loved” said Ally Naso. Maddie Shires said “Vic is the ideal girl”. Brenden Snopel even said “ She is really smart.”
But the most meaningful words spoken about Victoria Tromba were said by Mr. Fisher himself. Fisher said “ Vic has continued on the amazing reputation of the Tromba family since her older sister graduated.”
Victoria’s favorite movie is the Bee Movie, her favorite class is Math, her favorite sports team is the Cleveland Cavs, and her favorite color is green. Vic’s favorite team is the Cleveland Cavs and she does not hesitate to show it.
Vic has so much spirit for not just the Cavs but also to her hometown Madison. “I love cheer and soccer so much but I always focus on my school work first,” words spoken from a truly intelligent and dedicated young woman. Vic will be one of the most successful students in this school and meet everyone's high expectations. But like all good athletes, she keeps calm and does not let the pressure get to her.
Vic’s bright smile is always cheering up others and brightening up everyone's day. If you are not friends with Victoria Tromba then you are truly missing out.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Student Snapshot: Chris Blauman

Starting High School Right
By Adrianna Hanzak

After asking Chris about himself, Chris stayed true to his funny reputation
Upon the many factors that make up the functioning gears of of the game, one particular athlete stood out among the wave of jerseys: this one labeled 15. Chris Blauman started his high school career with one trained eye on the court and the other on the the books. His huge contribution of an average 15.4 points per game helps the team dramatically through the three quarters in which he is able to play.
 His teammates have spoken highly of him both on and off the court, saying he is funny and a good person to be around. Sam Miller, a past team mate from soccer, described him as “a good teammate and leader,” when asked what he thought made him standout. 
His talents stretch far, not only covering basketball but also to the books. Chris works hard to keep his mind sharp, striving for a high GPA, a goal for him throughout High School. 
While going through high school playing his favorite sport, basketball, and watching his favorite movie, UP, he is striving to make as many good memories as he can. When asked what he thought his favorite memory would be, his response was the first pep assembly. Madison High School puts on many pep assemblies, providing the school with more school spirit and students baring the school colors, making it no surprise it made a lasting impression on the freshman athlete. 
Outside of school and basketball, Chris is notorious for his memorable red hair and hilarious personality that entertains many of his peers and friends. Countless times while asking around had I come across a person who identified Chris in that very way. 
Aside from his personality and looks, he has many interests for his future down the road of his high school life. As of now he focuses on the books to accomplish his goal of a high GPA, taking honors classes, which he hopes will carry him far and bring him closer to his career of a veterinarian, helping the pets and animals in need. Although he is working hard to prepare himself for his graduation day and his future of further schooling past high school, his high school career has just started and he himself was confused by the need to know about his favorite memory of his short time in High School, showing that he has a far way to grow into a stronger, smarter and successful athlete and student in the upcoming years.

GBK JV v. Riverside

Streaks Battle at Home
Jessica Schafer running back to defend the opposing team
By Hannah Gabor  

The JV Lady Blue Streaks basketball team had a tough game against the Riverside Beavers on Wednesday. With a 19-38 score, the Lady Blue Streaks never gave up. They continued to work their hardest with their dedication as an individual and a team. By halftime, the score was 13-14 Riverside. 
Though close at the half, we couldn't match Riverside's intensity in the third quarter. Riverside stepped up their game and added 24 points in the second half. 
Sydney Guyer, Jessica Schafer, and Ashlee Hathaway were their top performers for this game, passing to each other and continuously talking on the court. Sydney Guyer during third quarter, was wrestling for the ball and was hit in the head. Even though she got hurt, she still went in after being taken off the court. 
Parents and fans are always looking forward to seeing them try their hardest, even with the blood, sweat, and tears after every practice, game or scrimmage. They look forward to seeing how much they have progressed each game they play. 
This game was important because they lost last season and wanted to win this one. It was a conference game and with their hard work, they still ended up with a tough loss. Coaches want to see them progress as not only an individual, but also as a team. With all of the fans', coaches', and Varsity team members' support, JV has a lot ahead of them. Our team’s record is 2-10, but with all their hard work, and many other games to come, they will have confidence and dedication to get to where they want to be as a team. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

WR: Pin City

Good, Not Good Enough

Last weekend, the Madison wrestling team took a quick trip to our neighbors in Perry for the Pin City Tournament.  Pin City is an annual tournament that gets our wrestlers a lot of experience for upcoming conference and state tournament matches.  Each participant is offered at least six matches and can earn more with good performance.
Of those representing Madison, eight placed in the top eight of their respective weight classes, and the team finished ninth overall.
Senior Bryan Zehe has his hand raised in victory
Photo cr. William Mayer
Senior Bryan Zehe had a great performance in the 170 weight class and left the tournament with a 2nd place finish and overall 5-2 record.  Zehe, however, is far from content to ride out the results.
"[We] still have a long ways to go as a team," Zehe stated.  "Just have to see how the rest of the season goes."
Assistant Principal William Mayer was in attendance at the tournament.  He was impressed with Zehe's performance.  After losing on day one to a state ranked opponent, Mayer said Zehe refocused on day two and took the win against that same wrestler.
Other stand outs for the weekend were Junior Jefferey Brichford who placed third in the 120 class with an overall record of 6-1 and Junior Joseph Hersh who placed 4th in the 138 class with a 5-2 record.
Mayer also stated he was impressed with Brichford's performance even in his close loss which was his first of the season.
This weekend the Streaks will travel to Akron for the Bill Dies tournament where they look to improve upon their past performances.

Cheer: Big Chill Competition

The Team To Beat
By Allyson Fleischer

On Saturday January, 14th 2017 the Madison High School Competition Cheerleading team will be traveling to Shaker Heights High School to compete in the annual “Big Chill” cheer and dance competition. Every team that will be attending this competition will perform their routine(s) in front of a number of judges, be critiqued on their material, and given a final score.
The Madison Cheerleaders have competed at this competition for several years now. The past times they have gone they have taken home the first place trophy. There are several different divisions the cheerleading teams are considered as depending on the skill level. The Madison cheerleaders compete in the division non mount, non tumble. 
MHS cheerleaders have very high expectations and goals for the competition this weekend. One of their main goals is to beat the three teams in their division and take first place. Also to top off the last competition they attended these girls left with the first place trophy and getting the highest score out of all the divisions, overall including sixty teams, taking home the title “Grand Champions” and a full paid bid to Nationals. They are coming into the competition with everything they were told to fix, better than before and ready to show the judges what they are made of. 
“We are definitely the team to beat! We have achieved so much already and have just competed once this year so far. I know we have what it takes to come out on top.” says MHS cheerleading coach, Heidi Verdi. 
“I’m nervous we are going up against three teams, some we haven’t competed against yet, but I’m confident our routine is first place worthy and we will do our best.” says senior cheerleader, Abby Reed. 
The competition cheerleaders have their heads held high and ready to take on the what they are handed. Be sure to wish them a good luck when passing them in the hallway!

Student Snapshot: Zoey Fedele

Stellar Swimmer
By Isabel Gnagy
Zoey Fedele is pictured here with her coach
Mr. Artz at the Spire Institute on January 7th, 2017
Photo cr. William Mayer

2017 is a new year for some people and for some it's just another day. But for Zoey Fedele it’s a new year to train and reach newer heights in her swimming career. Even being the only freshman on the Madison High School swim team and this being her first year of being a high school student, she has already broken four records as announced in the morning announcements on January 11th. Zoey broke the school record in the 100 fly with her new time of 1:00.18. The swimmer says that “My main goal is to get a 58.00 in the 100 fly.” She also has broken the records for the 200 Free, 500 Free and 200 IM. Even though she has already broken the school record once she aims to break that record and her own record again.
Zoey says her best, most memorable moment in swim this year is breaking her PR at Perry on December 16th, 2016. She says that it took her six months to break it. Zoey pushes herself to be her best in swimming. She says that she tries extremely hard to keep a balanced diet and she swims 10 hours every week to keep herself in shape. She will continue to train and push herself. Zoey has a goal to go try out for the 2020 Olympics.
Zoey is just like most high school students, she wants to do her best in school while she’s here. Her goal for school is to maintain her straight A’s. As a freshman she says her favorite class is health class with Mrs.Craigo. Zoey likes Health because she can learn about her body and ways to maintain a healthy state, both mentally and physically.
Just like Mrs.Craigo, Zoey has a liking toward the rapper Eminem. Her favorite movie is 8 Mile. This movie captures the story of Eminem and his journey to launching his rap career. The movie got its name from the 8 Mile road, the Michigan Highway, that separated the lower class and the middle class of Detroit, Michigan. Zoey finds inspiration from Eminem and she aspires to grow and challenge herself as a swimmer as Eminem did as a rapper. Zoey hopes that she can leave her mark not only on Madison High School’s sports departments but hopefully in the world of swim. Zoey is a hard worker and a stellar swimmer who will continue to do well in swim,
and she will definitely continue to break records.