Sunday, April 30, 2017

Support Madison, Support the Levy

It Takes a Village... and a Township

     In just two days, the time will finally come to vote on the proposed school levy that aims to protect and preserve our educational opportunities.  The last operational levy to be passed in Madison did so nearly thirty years ago.  Despite numerous budget saving efforts, rising costs to operate the schools and dwindling revenue threaten our students' opportunities to thrive into adulthood.  In this time of great need, cornerstones of the community have heard the call and answered with renewed purpose.
     The Behm family, proud members of the Madison community for four generations and operators of Behm Family Funeral Home, are no strangers to lending a hand in times of need.  The funeral home boasts a long legacy dating all the way back to 1906.  Any Madison resident struck by sudden or inevitable tragedy has felt the calming presence of well-practice consolation as they navigate through the toughest times of their lives.
     Now, over a hundred years later, the Behm tradition falls to the shoulders of Trevor Behm who believes that "giving our children the tools they need to succeed allows them to provide better for their own families."
     Those tools are, sadly, very much in jeopardy as the five year fiscal forecast shows a deficit in the 2018-19 school year.  With decades of experience, Behm sagely acknowledges that this benefit is not a one way street.
     "We believe a great education for our students is vital to our future," he states. "Our educational resources give children everything they need to become educated consumers and future property owners, investing back into the community we love."
     Just like the Behm family, the name DeRubertis elicits immediate reactions of many fond memories in our community.  Though they currently own Madison's premier pizza restaurant, Pizza Roto, the DeRubertis' are still most widely recognized for the banquet and party center that stood on route twenty for countless years.
    Dances, weddings, retirements and numerous other prestigious affairs were hosted under their roof.  They orchestrated decades of lifetime memories and witnessed the community at its best.  Though the party center is no more, they haven't allowed their ties to this city fade in the slightest.
     Most recently, Pizza Roto has become a prime sponsor for Madison's "Streak of the Month."  "We have been so thrilled since day one to be involved with the 'Streak of the Month' program," Dan DeRubertis commented. "Madison is our home.  The kids and families of this community are so important to us, as is their education."
     Like the roots of a great tree, time has ingrained our community members into a collective sense of betterment.  And now their prosperity has given rise to a sturdy foundation that spreads its branches out to shelter the next generation.  This Tuesday it hopes to bear the fruit of its labor and leave our schools in a position to inspire growth into the future.

     Take a moment to hear from more sponsors of the schools, its students and the community as a whole:

"I feel the Board, the Superintendent and Treasurer have been great stewards of our tax dollars and have earned my vote.  No one can live off of a 1989 based income.  This community has overcome some trust issues and is moving forward together."
- Max Sorensen, The Wagon Wheel

"Madison Dairy Queen is owned and operated proudly by Madison High School Alumni.  We are honored to have the opportunity to serve our community and support our students.  We believe that successful schools are at the heart of a successful community.  We are thankful for the influence Madison Local Schools has had in our lives and are proud to show our support in any way possible."
- Rikki Yeager-Belcher, Dairy Queen

"Maintaining the quality of Madison Local Schools is essential to the quality of our community and the overall growth of our children.  It is through community collaboration that we develop the strong leaders of our future.  By supporting this levy, we are supporting not only our children, but also our community.  We need to be engaged in education, and this is a great way to do it.  Support Madison Local Schools.  Support Madison.  Support the levy."
- Michael Warren, The Warren Team at Howard Hanna



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