Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Best of JV Basketball!

By: Kelsey Burkholder

I have chose to do this article on Ryan Bowers. I decided to talk to Ryan because he is a potential starter and also a great friend of mine.  Overall he is a great basketball player.  He is also an excellent student.  He gets invited to all the honors banquets and got a plaque for being one of the best in his grade in social studies.  He is in the top ten in his grade for academics.  He stands out because he is a great athlete.  By the time he graduates he would like to have a 4.6 GPA.  He is in tenth grade so he has some time to work on accomplishing his plans in life.  First, he would like to finish high, then go to college. He wants to go into things with sports, such as being a coach, or go into sports management.  He wants to make sure that his dreams are pursued and he does is what he wants to do.

He does love basketball, but baseball is his favorite sport.  His favorite food is steak.  He loves the movie "Dodge-ball".  His favorite classes are math and any gym class.  His favorite professional basketball team is the Cleveland Cavaliers, he also likes the Washington Redskins.  His favorite color is royal blue and he likes to play video games with his friends.  

His favorite moment from high school so far is when Zack shaved his head for a bet.  If Zack keeps his head shaved for the rest of basketball season, then he get $15 and a free hot dog, fries and a drink for the whole summer.  He made that bet with the coach of the team, his teammates also made a bet with him that if he shaved off his eyebrows then they will give him $500.  Zack is one of Ryan’s best friends, so this is a very funny memorable time for him.  Ryan will most likely have a great season and I hope that he does. These are supposed to be the best times of his life, he is going to make the best of them.  

Back to the Mats

By: Taylor Stevens

Tis the season to start pinning. The Madison Boys Wrestling team starts off their 2017-2018 season this Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 at 9 am. The team is traveling to Aurora High School to compete in the Aurora Tournament Duels. This is the first year Madison has participated in  the Aurora tournament, this is a starting point of the boys season. The main purpose of the of the match is to see where the team is at and what they need physically, mentally, and as a team.  

Coach Tomaso said, “This match is a building block on the season to see what the team is good at and what they need to improve on. And obviously to win this tournament we have to wrestle hard and very well.” The teams that are participating in the Aurora Tournament Duels are Madison, Aurora, Padua, and North Royalton.

Jack Whaley, the assistant principal of Madison High School, has always been a huge fan of the wrestling team. He has his expectations for Saturdays match. “My expectations for the beginning of the season is to be in better shape than the other opponents. It gives them a chance to win. As the season goes on it also gives the coaches a chance to work on technique to get them better. I have seen a lot of these kids work hard in the off season and that will help with the tournament this weekend.”

Captain, Brody Arrundale, said that he is ready to put all his work into this tournament and that he is ready to put Aurora, Padua, and North Royalton in their place. Everyone has their eyes on the wrestling team this year. Everyone is expecting a great season from these boys from all the hard work they have put in.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

College Signings

BY: Jordan Pasalaqua

Alyssa Rose


Alyssa Rose will be attending Cleveland State University to follow her Academic and athletic career. Alyssa plans on studying Speech Language Pathology.

Alexis Lavdis


Alexis Lavdis will be attending Ashland University to follow her Academic and Athletic career. Alexis plans on studying Chemistry.

Nick Amos


Nick Amos will be attending Edinboro University to follow his Academic and Athletic career. Nick plans on studying Wildlife Biology.

Performing This Weekend… The Jazz Band!

By: Amelia Marlow

This Saturday, November 18, the MHS Jazz Band will be performing at Band-a-Palooza. This is a big fundraiser for the band program, featuring the Middle School bands performing in the High School gym, and the Jazz Band playing in the lobby while a chicken dinner is served. There will also be a Chinese Auction, offering many cool items and baskets that people can try to win.

Band-a-Palooza is an important event to the Jazz Band as it is their first formal event of the school year. In addition to being fun, it gives them an opportunity to play for people during dinner, much like a “dinner band.”
The Jazz Band will be playing six songs: “In the Mood,” “Make Me Smile,” “Tuxedo Junction,” “Route 66,” “I Found a New Baby,” and “Down and Dirty.” Twenty one musicians make up the Jazz Band: Quinn Aiken, Alex Bihary, Richie Camp, Shane Cress, Emma Ely, Zane Erich, Cammy Gmitra, Karson Hahn, Thomas Haught, Owen Hennessey, Ashton Keller, Chrissy Kurilec, Raven Morgan, Emma Norman, Ethan Petro, Hannah Potter, Anthony Qualey, Devin Rabenold, Caroline Sabo, Wyatt Vernyi, and Isaac Warren.

Mr. Tomko, the band director, likes how every band is represented and everyone gets to perform. The sixth grade can hear the seventh and eighth grade bands and will have a chance to hear the kind of music they will play in the future. Mr. Tomko said, “It’s a great event. It gets all the middle school bands together to hear each other and the Jazz Band gets to play for dinner. It’s a lot of fun for everyone involved. So come out and hear good music and eat chicken!”

Thursday, November 9, 2017

A New Beginning

BY: Jordn Pasalaqua

This year the Lady Blue Streaks Basketball team has three returning seniors; Aly Berry, Shyenne Ledford, and Sierra Hulderman. Aly Berry is a four year letterman for basketball, and Shyenne Ledford is a three year letterman. The girls team had lost  four key players due to not wanting to play anymore and also injuries they had with their other sports.

Alyssa Rose is out with an ankle injury that she had during summer by sliding into third base and having to have two surgeries on it. Grace Terelmes is out for the whole season with an knee injury which she has to also get two surgeries to have it all healed.

Brannigan Cramb and Syd Guyer have been added to the varsity squad full time and will be seeing a lot of minutes on the court. Coach Smith has also added freshman Chloe Wakim and Lydia Schafer. Coach Smith’s expectations for this years season is to work really hard during practices and to be ready for all of their competitions. He really wants the girls to try their best and work as hard as they can for this season.

The girls have already had two scrimmages and have won both. Their first game is on November 11th at Kirtland High school. The girls love being with each other on and off the court and are ready for this years season to start.

Here Comes The Boys!

BY: Isabel Gnagy

It is well known that this year for the boys basketball team we have a new coach: Nick Gustin, our new coach from the Perry Village and now the Head coach for the Varsity boys basketball. He’s also the golf pro at our very own Erie Shores Golf Course here in Madison. Luckily our Madison pride has persuaded him to come over from Perry and coach.

There are some big shoes for Coach Gustin to fill with last seasons record of 9-1 with Coach Moran. The players respect and congratulate Coach Moran for going to JCU to coach with his brother, Pete Moran.

This past Friday and Saturday the Boys Basketball  team was made official by the new head coach of the team. Previously the JV coach for last year, Nick Gustin, has made his way up to be the head coach with Mr. Titman as the assistant coach. This year the new head coach has made some big changes to the team. With a tight and strict selection process there are some faces that won’t be seen this year. Your 2017-2018 team consists of Ronald Hartman, Griffin Albert, Marcus Horton, Mark Primer, Nate Fawver, JD Galivoic, Alex Dragas, Chris Blauman, Brendon Snopel, Jared Anderson, Garrett Franczeck, Justus Albert, and Ian Duthie.  Griffin Albert thinks that Coach Gustin is nice and says, “we have new system this year with our offense and defense”.

This year the boys are hoping to play just as good or even better than last season. There are no negative vibes from the Madison High School Boys Basketball team toward their 2017-2018 season that will be starting this Saturday against Conneaut at 9 in the morning here at Madison High School. Please come out and support your boys on there start of their season! Go blue!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Turkey Time

BY: Emily Johnston

Saturday, November 4th, the Madison Competition Cheerleaders started off their season with their first competition, “Turkey Time”. The girls have been preparing for this competition for months. They have spent hours creating, learning, and perfecting their routine. Competition practices consist of running, jumping, and doing the routine several times over. The team consists of 13 girls ranging from freshmen to seniors.

The girls routine is 2 minutes and 30 seconds long. It starts with an intro cheer, leading into a short dance. Then a cheer, going into the final dance. Since the routine is short, it has to be adrenaline packed the whole time. The girls focus on strict motions, high jumps, and smiling and having fun.

This competition was at the Wolstein center in Cleveland State, creating an exciting environment. Madison’s division is called Varsity Non-Mount, Non-Tumble. Their division consisted of two teams at this competition. Madison took first place in their division, and 2nd place out of all the divisions. The girls were .15 points away from being grand champions and getting first out of all of the divisions. They are scored on a scale out of 100.

The girls felt really good about their performance, but hope to do even better in the future. The next competition is December 2nd, in Erie, Pennsylvania. The competition is called “Lights! Camera! Action!” They don’t know what teams they will be against yet, but they’re hoping to beat themselves and score even higher than at “Turkey Time”.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Jack's Journey Through the Junior Year: The WiFi Crisis

BY: Jack Tagliamonte

This is a real problem, there is a serious situation at 3100 Burns Road. This school's WiFi is already a piece of poop lathered in more poop wrapped in your dad's sweaty underwear which was dunked in a vat of skunk spray, but somehow it got worse, they have been blocking apps, websites, and the VPN's to get them back. They've been doing the blocking website thing since day 1 because they knew at least one kid would be looking up some pornographic images or something, but taking down Instagram and Snapchat is just going too far, don't worry Twitter fans, that little slice of social media is safe because Fish himself is a Twitter man and no one cares about Facebook anymore, so if you want to play Farmville with your Aunt Carol then you're set.

Snapchat and Instagram are a whole new thing, they're a slice of the current outside world, it's also a main form of communication for me because I don't actually text anyone, Snapchat has been my way of finding rides and getting money for lunch because my mom doesn't love me enough to answer me when I DO text her, overall Snapchat is just a tool I have to use and the school preventing it makes things a lot harder to know where I'm going after school. Instagram no one really uses for something actually important other than looking at their friends post about their super cool sandwich and a tall frappe with vanilla extract with a hint of genuine cacao or some pretty bad quality memes.

There's just no reason to take down the apps that do nothing but let others see what their doing in their classes, like most teachers are cracking down on phones anyway so what are they going to gain from blocking it from the ones in study hall or in free time for when classes end early.