Monday, December 16, 2019

Starting out Strong

The Boys Varsity basketball team is off to a great start this season. For their first game of the season, they faced the Geneva Eagles at Geneva. Prior to the game, most people believed that Madison would win, and after the big upset when we lost to Geneva during football season, everyone was ready for our boys to take the W. The boys came out strong with Alex Dragas scoring 26 points, 5 of those being 3’s, Chris Blauman scoring 18 points with 2 dunks, and Shane Gibson with 8 assists in his first Varsity start. Many students came out to support this game and have continued to do so with the following games. When asked about this game, Kate Kuntz said it was “a very aggressive and entertaining game to watch” and Chania Crawford said “there was lots of tension and the entire gym was very high energy”. After this win, Chris Blauman stated that “this game gave the team a lot of confidence and it was a very good way to start the season”. This confidence shows and is making everyone excited for the rest of the season. Lexi Fleischer said “I think the team has a lot of potential and even if it takes some time for them to grow together fully but I think that once they do they will go far.'' The next game is Friday, December 13th at Chardon at 7:30pm, come out and support if you can.

By: Jillian Jeschenig

Join Model UN!

Madison High School has a new club called model UN run by Mr. Gilligan. Model UN is a club where students have the chance to learn more about politics and have the chance to debate about them in conferences with other schools. The club was created at the beginning of the school year and doesn’t have too many members due to no one at the school really knowing about it, and it being so new to the school. Model Un is a great club to join that allows you to learn more about the political world around you, and allows you to listen to other people's thoughts and ideals. Model Un helps students learn proper ways to have discussions about politics in an appropriate manner. Model UN is also a great way to meet people at other schools, and get new ideas from them. In Model UN students each get a position representing a country in the United Nations and debate topics while solving different crisis the country is going through. Group member Macayla Childs comments on Model Un, “It’s super fun, at our last conference China and the US almost went into nuclear war and China took Danny Devito as a prisoner of war”. Model Un is described as being very fun, while being educational and allows people to open up their minds to new ideals, and beliefs they wouldn’t have thought of on their own. Model Un also helps people see from new perspectives, and understand why different countries think the way they do. For more information on Model UN talk to the teacher Mr. GIlligan, and think about joining the club!

By: Chania Crawford

Singing as an Alto with Ava Hutchinson

Ava Hutchinson is a sophomore who sings in the Concert Choir at MHS. Her favorite thing about being in the choir is singing at the concerts and being able to hear the finished product of the songs they all worked hard on. Her favorite concert so far this year was the Holiday Charity Spectacular where the choirs put on a show to raise money for local charities. The songs that the concert choir sang were “Christmas Children” and “Bells of Christmas Medley.”  The choirs also had their winter concert which they sang a combined seven minute “Holiday Favorites” song with women’s choir, Eclectica, and the band. At the beginning of the year, Ava was originally put in the soprano section to sing, but later on got moved to the alto section. She doesn’t mind it but the notes are definitely more difficult to learn than they would be singing as a soprano. Ava is very excited about all the upcoming concerts and all the new music the choirs are going to be learning and performing. She is excited to attend LCMEA and sing the new song their learning which is called “A Million Dreams.” Ava was apart of choir in middle school but she ended up dropping it as a class and rejoined back in high school. Next year, Ava would like to try out for eclectica. Her favorite thing to do in her free time is watch Netflix or YouTube and spend time with her friends and family. She also enjoys eating her favorite foods which are mashed potatoes and buffalo chicken dip.

By: Kylee Mramor

Monday, December 9, 2019

Off To A Good Season

 The girls basketball team is off to a pretty good start to their season. The coaches, and the team are excited for this upcoming season. They have worked very hard, and have put their all into this season, and sport. The girls will always try to improve themselves even if it means working 10 times harder.
     Last Friday evening the girls played away at Wickliffe against the Wickliffe Blue Devils. The girls started off the game strongly. The Madison Blue streaks took home a victory 69-25. The girls played extremely well. Kailey Williams had 29 points at the end of the game. At half time the score of the game was 55-10. Due to Kailey’s determination, and dedication to the game she was able to end the Wickliffe game with a ton of steals. Riley Elliot had a beautiful fast break off of a rebound, and was able to lead to great fast break giving Kailey a wide open layup. Chloe Lewanski had a beautiful three pointer. By the end of the game the coaches, fans and the team were very proud of themselves that all of their hardwork, and dedication paid off into having such a good time. The JV basketball team is confident, and ready for their next upcoming game. Keep up all of the good work girls!

 The Madison Jv basketball team will be playing away next Wednesday, December 11 at Chardon High School. The girls can use all of the support that they can get. Come on, and show your bluestreak pride Wednesday at Chardon.

By: Lexi Aiello

Dribble, Pass, Shoot

Over the week the Madison Girls basketball team played two games. They traveled to Willowick Saturday were they faced the Devils in a non conference game. A tremendous performance was done by the ladies. Even though the girls were up throughout the whole game they never once let up and put in 110% effort. The girls won the game by an outstanding score of 87-27. The ladies had great ball movement and ran their plays very well running the plays long enough to knock a few minutes off of the clock and only shooting when they were open or knew it was a good shot or foul worthy. Also the ladies opened their WRC play when they traveled to Kenston on Wednesday to take on the lady bombers. It was a hard tough game for the lady blue streaks. It was a back and forth game throughout the first half of play. Going into halftime with a tight score of 20-21 Kenston leading by only one point. Going out of halftime the bombers started to pick up the pace and the lady streaks started scrambling. The lady streaks began to panic when things started to get harder. Being such a young team there are often still times when they rush and don’t think shots through when competition is good. In the fourth quarter the girls weren’t running their plays through all the way and started throwing up shots without any ball movement. The bluestreaks worked in practice on running their plays through and being more patient, waiting for a good shot. The girls basketball team lost to the Kenston BOmbers by a final score of 51-39. The lady bluestreaks are back in action Saturday when the travel to take on the North Rangers ina WRC match up.

By: Alyssa Molnar

Girls Swimming

The girls swim team has been training hard to prepare for their first swim meet of the season. Last Saturday the girls swim team will be traveled to Spire Institute for their first invitational and meet of the swim season. The girls have been working hard for the past couple of weeks practicing everyday for at least an hour and a half. They also weight train for an hour and a half two days out of the week with assistant coach Aja Rendek. The girls came in second place out of the 7 teams that swam. They were not too far behind in points, the Canfield girls swim team who got first. All the girls swam good races. In the next few meets the girls are hoping to beat some of their personal bests. Their next meet is not for a few weeks over Christmas break against the Jefferson Falcons on the 28th of December. It is the first home meet of the season. The meet will be held at home at the East End YMCA. The girls are hoping to take home an easy win against the Jefferson Falcons at their first home meet of the season. The girls are predicted to do very well this season just as last year. Last they won most of their dual meets and placed very well in invitationals. Last year the girls broke lots of Madison’s swim records and hope to break more and even break the ones they made last year.

By: Mariah Hennessey

Monday, December 2, 2019

MHS Science Addition

Science is a big part in people’s everyday lives. People use it everyday without even noticing. In Madison Local Schools we have a wide variety of different science classes and different science teachers. I interviewed Mr. Pira for his own personal thoughts on science. He explains how science is his favorite subject because it’s life and it’s what we do and it’s what we are. I also asked him about the project he and other students are currently working on outside. He mentions how it is a student project in an honors ecology course that is going to be an outdoor classroom. It’s purpose is to bring about and approve human well being in terms of mental health issues. The healing power of nature can help mental health issues. It is also a nice space to do chemical based projects, so it does not get too messy when it is indoors. Also, soil labs and dissections go along with this that tend to stink up the science lab or science wing. The outdoor classroom is an easy way to prevent those smells. He also says how it doesn’t have to be a space only for science, but other subjects such as English or any other subject that needs the outdoor space. It gives a different environment to inspire different ideas. This space is useful for a lot of things and it’s very helpful. A lot of students will find this space useful as it gives a different perspective rather than being stuck in a classroom all day.

By: Nyla Chandler

The future of Madison basketball

This week the focus is on student athlete, Matty Vliek. Matty is a junior basketball player who currently is on jv but has high hopes for the season and is determined to get varsity minutes. Matty is looking forward to a winning season with the help of his teammates and their coach, coach Blauman, and a positive start to their season with their opener being against the Geneva Eagles. Matty is currently labeled as one of the best shooters on the team with him only falling slightly behind Varsity starter Chris Blauman. So far Matty has earned his Jv letter his sophomore year, and currently he is in a leadership spot and looks forward to the responsibilities he will be taking in this season. Matty's hard work and dedication in the off-season has motivated him to not only improve himself on the court but off it as well. He is still pushing to be even better hoping to become starting varsity for basketball, baseball, and have a 4.0 gpa when he finishes high school. Matty plans to continue playing basketball and maintain a solid gpa and I'm the future attend Ohio University for sports medicine. One of his best memories in highschool was watching his cousin, and best friend, Ryan Bowers score the game winning three against rival's Perry. In his off time Matty likes to spend time with his friends and enjoys rooting for his favorite hockey team, The Lake Erie Monsters.

By: Isaac Moyer

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Turkey Time

This week was the competition squads first comp of the year called “Turkey Time”. It took place in Cleveland at the Bayford Convention Center. The girls took first place in their division and “Outstanding Jumps” out of all the teams. This competition is their first of the year. The girls have a very high record in wins. Averaging nothing less than second in the past five years. The team consists of thirteen girls and one boy this year.
This is Cameron Schneider’s first year of cheerleading ever. He gave an outstanding tryout to earn his spot on both the competition and football cheerleading squads. The competition cheer teams captains are Alexis Randall, and Caelyn Pritschau. There are five seniors on the squad. Hannah White, Caelyn Pritschau, Tiffany Hammond, and Abbey Schultz. They have all been cheering on the competition squad since their freshman year.
Senior, Alexis Randall, stated to me “It’s a bittersweet moment. Our last football season has come to an end which means its time for competition season. There is a lot on a few of our girls plates. We do cheer basketball cheer during the competition season as well. We have a very clean record. We mainly take first and rarely second, which means our fight is focused on grand champs. Grand champs is not only first in our division, but first out of all teams in every single division. We tend to win grand champs but we are still working out the kinks of our new routine”

By: Abbey Schultz

Wrestling: Brad Mckeon

Brad McKeon is a junior this year and has been making a name for himself on the field and on the mat. Brad played his second year of Varsity football and is starting out his third year of Varsity wrestling. Brad hopes to have a strong season and make it to at least Districts, where he was an alternate last year. Brad has won multiple awards including the WRC Honorable Mention for football this year and the All WRC Academic Award for football and last year’s wrestling season. For the rest of his high school career, he hopes to keep up with his good grades and work hard in football and wrestling. Of all his memories of high school so far, one of the biggest highlights was his touchdown in the North game, where the Blue Streaks blew out the Rangers 50-20. As for after high school, Brad wants to go to college, possibly John Carroll, to be a business major. Brad’s favorite movie is The House, his favorite class is history, his favorite sports team is the Browns, his favorite TV show is The Ranch, and his favorite thing to do in his spare time is play video games. He looks forward to wrestling in the winter this season hoping to win some good matches and do his best. And is excited to wrestle with some of his good friends!

By: Cailin Keller

Girl's Basketball: Abbie Wilson

 Abbie Wilson #32  is on the girl’s basketball team for MHS. She plays both on jv, and varsity. She is a point guard, and guard on the team. Abbie is a hard worker on, and off of the court. She is very passionate about the sport she loves. Abbie has been playing basketball for most of her life. She is dedicated to basketball by always going the extra mile to improve herself. She stands out due to her ability to get the ball up the court under a great deal of pressure. She has great determination despite the outcome of one bad game or two.

 Not only is she committed to basketball, but also to her education. Abbie’s goals during high school is to keep up her grade average as a 4.0. She hopes to score a 4 on her Ap exam. She hopes that she will able to make captain for basketball her senior year. After high school, Abbie hopes to get a scholarship to a good college to play basketball.

    Abbie’s favorite movie without a doubt is Grown ups. When asked the question what was her  most memorable moment during high school, she said that it was freshman year when she hit a three pointer, and brought madison up by one point. The team kept up the hard work, and showed tremendous effort and was able to keep the score up by one point, and ended up winning the game. Thank you Abbie for all of your tremendous hard work, and effort ! Good luck this season!

By: Lexi Aiello

Adding it all together: Mr. Brainard

Math is not the only thing that it is on Mr. Brainard’s mind, believe it or not. This first semester he is teaching algebra 1B and algebra 2CP. Although the semester seems to be moving at a very fast pace, his students are able to keep up with his strive to make sure that every student understands each chapter and each lesson to the best of their ability. In his younger algebra 1B class they are already on chapter 10, learning all about quadratics while the other algebra class learns about geometric and arithmetic sequences. As was said earlier math can not be the only thing that happens inside Mr. Brainards mind so I had to find out some more about him. He has been teaching for 19 years at the same high school he attended. His college career began at Case Western and then he transferred to Baldwin Wallace because he changed majors. Mr. Brainard has one boy named John and I can bet you he gets good math grades with a math teacher like that in his house. He enjoys to watch the Cleveland Indians play, along with some shows like “Boy Meets World” as his all time favorite. Mr. Brainard likes to watch football and basketball and maybe on his free time shoot some hoops himself. Mr. Brainard also coaches the tennis team at the high school and the middle school boys basketball team. His favorite color is blue and when i asked his all time favorite famous person was, and I quote him, “whenever Lexi Fleischer becomes famous.” In the end the proof is in the article once everything adds up Mr. Brainard is an excellent math teacher.

By: Lexi Fleischer

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Fresh Start

Over the weekend the lady blue streaks girls basketball team started their season in a four team tournament held at Lakeside. In the first round, the Madison girls faced Lakeside where they played hard and never let up. With tremendous performances by Riley Montagner, Chloe Bancroft, and Payton Lewanski. Lewanski had an astonishing 5 blocks in the game along with 9 points and 2 steals. Unfortunately the team had kink in the game when team member Abbie Wilson got an injury on her knee with just minutes left in the game. Wilson will most likely be out the rest of the season. The blue streaks however still came through with a crushing 63-17 win over Lakeside. With the win against the Dragons they then went on to play in the championship against Fitch on Saturday. Through the first half of the game the score was back and forth with great effort on both offense and defense. Going into halftime the teams were at a dead heat with a  27-27 tie. However the blue streaks couldn’t hang on even with a great effort, Fitch came out hot and the bluestreaks lost 38-55. Although the lady’s didn’t win they still got 2nd place in the tournament winning a trophy. Team members Riley Montagner and Payton Lewanski won alternate team members which is an amazing accomplishment. The girls are back in action Tuesday against the Geneva Eagles where they hope to come out with a win for their first home game of the season.

By: Alyssa Molnar

The Final Chapter

Chris Blauman is a senior this year and a 3-year Varsity starter. He has become one of the team’s most valuable players throughout his high school years, he even tied the school’s record for number of 3-point baskets in a game. Some of his biggest high school accomplishments are that he is a member of National Honors Society, he has a 4.34 grade point average, won All Conference First Team for 2 years, and won All Lake County for 2 years as well. Some things that make Chris stand out are his height, his bright red hair, and his “obnoxious need to be right”. Some goals he has for his senior year are to come up with a good senior prank and make it to his 1000th point mark, which he is around 200 points away from. He has had many good memories throughout high school but some of his favorite have been spending quality time with his friends and Friday night basketball games with all the fans and the band playing. In the future, Chris wants to go to college (he is thinking about attending Florida Gulf Coast) and hopefully play basketball. He hopes to become a psychologist and one day start a family. Some fun facts about Chris are that his favorite movie is Guardians of the Galaxy 2, his favorite subject is science, specifically Biology, his favorite sports team is the Green Bay Packers, and his favorite TV show is The Office. When asked for a quote that would sum up his feelings about senior year, he said, “part of the journey is the end”.

By: Jillian Jeschenig

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Boys Soccer: Kick For A Cure

Recently the Madison boy's soccer team took on their rival the Perry Pirates for the border cup. It was a fierce battle between the two sides with both teams conceding at least one goal throughout the game. However the Bluestreaks were able to slot one more into the net for a 2-1 win, and they were able to keep the border cup at home once again. This was not just another regular game for most of the players. For many it was their last time ever playing against Perry, and it was the last regular season game of the year, as there are twelve seniors that are on the varsity roster. Once the final whistle blew you could see the pure enjoyment and happiness in the face of every player on and off the pitch. With this win the lads took their regular season record to 9-5-2, and placed themselves as tenth in the crop. During the regular season they slotted home 45 goals, with the leading goal scorer being senior Fabian Ruiz-Diaz. Now with their regular season being over the Bluestreaks soccer team looks ahead to playoffs where they will host the Lakeside Dragons for the first round of the tournament. The team has no made it past the first round of playoffs in many years and look forward to finally advancing far into the table. If the boys manage to pull off a win against Lakeside they will play University on Saturday.

By: Isaac Moyer

Madison Marching Band

As Madison Marching band wraps up their season their bonds continue. There are three more football games left, meaning there are three more times you can experience the Madison Marching Band at a football game this season. Just a reminder that it means a lot to the contributors, such as the band, at the game to have support. Especially now that it is getting colder outside it still should not stop anyone to come support. That is because we are Madison blue!!!
I talked with Madison Aiken, a junior in the Madison Marching Band, for inside thoughts and how the season was going this year for band. She explains how busy her schedule is to sit down and practice regularly but in the end it is all worth it because of the many things she gets to experience in band.  It opened up opportunities for her to meet new people that she may have not met if she had not joined. She also mentions how she likes how their practices are during school, so it doesn't  take away from anytime after school and she has time for cheer as well. She enjoys the trips you are able to go on, such as the trip to New York they went on last year. Although she does miss out on the band experience because she is in cheer, she enjoys everything else that come along with it.  Band is a great way to get involved with the school and it is welcomed to everyone!

By: Nyla Chandler

Homecoming Court: Abbey Schultz

On Thursday, October 10th Abbey Schultz, her fellow court members, and all of their parents attended madisons high schools homecoming game to find out who was crowned homecoming queen. All the female court members and their parents got to walk down the track while an announcer read off their bios. Abbey Shultz and her parents Melissa and David Schultz walked down the track as the announcer described her high school life. Abbey is a 3 year varsity cheerleader for football, basketball, and competition cheer. She’s a member of show choir, as the dance captain, as well as being very active in the school. She wants to go to college and major in Forensics criminal Justice lab work. She doesn’t know where yet but she's applied to a lot of great colleges!

I talked to Abbey and asked her what being on homecoming court meant to her. She said, “ It was a really amazing experience for me, especially because it’s my senior year. It was also amazing because my mom and grandmother were on prom and homecoming court when they were in highschool! I'm glad I got to be on court with my boyfriend Alex Parmertor, it was a really great senior year experience”.

I also asked Abbey how making the homecoming dance went down. She said.” It was really fun, but also really hard because we only had 1 practice on a saturday for 5 hours. Everyone had sports during the week after school. We had a lot of fun, and goofed around and made everlasting memories together”.

Unfortunately Abbey didn’t win homecoming queen, but a great candidate did! Even though Abbey didn’t win queen she still had a great time on court, and at homecoming where, she looked beautiful!

By: Chania Crawford

Homecoming Night

This week was the 2019 homecoming game against the North Rangers. The boys dominated ending with a score of 50-20. Not only did the boys win but the cheerleaders own, Tiffany Hammond, won herself the title of “homecoming queen”.The girls cheered in pride with their new pink bows symbolizing their support for breast cancer awareness month. At the start of the game they watched as Senior cheerleaders Tiffany Hammond, Julia Bowers, and Abbey Schultz, walk the track as members of this years homecoming court. After waiting with lots of anticipation, Tiffany Hammond was crowned queen! The girls are jumped with joy, showing how proud they were of not only her, but both their other teammates. It was now time for the game to start. The girls went on to tell me about last years win against North (38-18). And how they were more confident rather than nervous.
The score began to rack up as time went on, the cheerleaders going wild as each touchdown occurred. After every touchdown, each senior got their chance to run the track with the “MHS” flags, showcasing their pride. Towards the middle of the game, the girls met the opposing cheerleaders. Junior, Emma Wade, went on to say “They were very welcoming towards us. We had lots of laughs and overall enjoyed each other’s presence”. The North vs. Madison game was the girls more enjoyable game so far!

By: Abbey Schultz

Jv Boys Soccer Wraps Up

The young boys finish off the season with a holding record of 8 wins, 6 losses, and 2 ties. This was a big season for the JV boys with keeping a high number on the winning side. Both ties of the season were well fought games against Notre Dame Cathedral Latin and Edgewood. They were constantly working hard every single practice and even harder at games to pull through the entire season. After every game, win or lose, the boys always had high spirits and kept big smiles on their faces. The boys never let any rumors they heard about any team get to them. Each rivalry was fair game and they came in ready to face anything. Dedication was something that was never missing from them and the chemistry between each boy was unmatched. Nothing but hard work comes from these boys and they are ready for the next season to come next fall.
As I talked to some of the boys I asked them how they felt about the season ending, most of the answers were that although they were sad the season was over they were already looking forward to next year. This season they felt a real connection with everyone on the team, all of the boys got to become very close with each other over the stretch of the season. That is the reason the boys had an amazing season. Finally, the boys get to catch up on some rest but are they really going to, knowing that there are endless possibilities for next season?

By: Lexi Fleischer

Volleyball: Senior Night

The Blue Streak girls varsity volleyball team are closing off their regular season on a high note. Last night North’s Lady Ranger’s volleyball team travelled to Madison ready to play a tough game. The Ranger’s came ready to win. The girls played all 5 games each ended with a close score with the winning team only winning by about 3-4 points. Madison stayed strong and pulled through till the end and came out on top ending their regular season with one last win for the Blue Streaks . For some of these girls this was the last game of the regular season of their high school volleyball career. Jordan Yates, Cori Queen, and Lauren Smith all will graduate this year. All the girls on the team are sad to lose these not only amazing volleyball players but also amazing friends. All the girls brought a lot to the table this season. Jordan Yates and Lauren Smith worked hard this year with their coach and with the other girls on the team to make this year the best one yet. All the girls are looking to go to college in the future but none are quite sure where just yet. The girls will be travelling to Euclid tonight for their first game of the playoffs. They are hoping to win and advance to the next round and go pretty far. If the girls win tonight they will move on and play their next game on Saturday.

By: Mariah Hennessey

Jv Football Season is Coming to an End

The Madison JV football team is more than halfway through their season with only three games remaining. Thus far, they have had an astonishing season with a record of 5 wins and 2 losses. The Bluestreaks are hoping to snag a few more wins over the remainder of their games. Although the season is quickly coming to an end, it has been a wonderful journey for both the players and coaches. The boys of the JV football team have become family over the season. .

The coaches are proud of their players and the hard work they have put into the season. They are always determined to win and committed to the game. JV football coach Craemer states  of the team, “The season has been wonderful because besides the fact that the boys are 5 and 2, our players have given tremendous effort and have displayed positive attitudes all year.” The boys are always positive and supportive when someone makes a mistake. They pick each other up, learn from the mistake and move on. 

Even during the off season these boys are committed to the sport. They work extremely hard to make sure that their upcoming season is better than the last. They set goals for themselves and push forward with great determination. Even though the boys are sad to see the season end, they all agree that it was the best season by far for our boys. Good work to you all! Your fans and coaches are all very proud.

By: Lexi Aiello

2019 WRC XC Meet

 This past Saturday, October 12th, 2019 your Madison Boys Cross Country ran at the 2019 Western Reserve Conference Meet at Kenston High School. The boys placed 6th out of 8 teams and there was a bunch of personal records this time! Brain Chaffee with a time of 17 minutes and 37 seconds dropped 34 seconds from being at this meet last year. Dimitri Dragas with a time of 17 minutes and 38 seconds dropped 42 seconds. Dillon Miller at 18 minutes and 11 seconds dropped 55 seconds, Brandon Rockwood at 18 minutes and 19 seconds dropped 36 seconds, Reece Powell with 18 minutes and 35 seconds dropped 41 seconds. Dropping the second most time out of all the boys, Ben Warren at 18 minutes and 58 seconds dropped 2 minutes and 13 seconds! Kellan Ray at 19 minutes and 37 seconds dropped 1 minute and 13 seconds from last year, and dropping the most time out of all the boys was Lucas Carroll who had 21 minutes and 27 seconds from last year dropped a whole 3 minutes and 34 seconds! These boys did such a great job and they’ve been working very hard at practice to get where they are now in the season. There has been great work from the group as they all look to the future on their next upcoming meets. Come and support your Madison boys Cross Country team this Saturday, October 19th as they run at the Madison High School this weekend for districts!

By: Kylee Mramor

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cheerleaders in Grape Jamboree

This Saturday the Madison Cheerleaders headed to walk with band in the GrapeJjamboree. This is a yearly tradition for the girls and the band. And one of their own varsity cheerleaders, Caitlin Barnicoat, is 2018-2019 Miss Grapette!
Senior, Hannah White, stated “Every year we do this, and every year we enjoy it. It’s always great seeing so many happy faces cheering us on”. The cheerleaders also went on to tell me how, as they march, they get lots of support from the community. Everything from cheering them on, to giving them candy, and much more.
They all also expressed their happiness for the beautiful day that it was. They don’t have a good reputation with being granted nice weather, but this year was the perfect day.
They filled me in on how much they love the grape jamboree, but also how much the seniors will miss it. It’s a yearly tradition that they always look forward to, but it was their last one. The seniors let me know how much they focused on enjoying it rather than thinking about how much they’ll miss it.
They danced to the band playing pop songs like “Feel It Still”. Miss Grapette, junior cheerleader Cait Barnicoat, did not march with the cheerleaders. She road her own, big, float. One last time, as Miss Grapette.

By: Abbey Schultz

LCMEA Madison Marching Band Performance

Madison Marching Band performed at the LCMEA, which stands for Lake County Music Education Association, band festival in Mentor’s Jerome on Wednesday September 21st. It is one of the bigger events that they come together and do.There was a total of eleven bands in this festival. From other people’s comments the band did a great job performing and sounded really good together as a whole. I talked with Suzy Lausin, one of the drum majors in Madison Marching Band, to get an understanding of what happened during this festival. She explains when preparing herself she thinks everything little detail through. Madison Marching band was different and unique than all the other bands because in their last song “I Love Rock and Roll” they did a dance with the song. It added a fun touch to the performance and made the crowd feel more interacted with the show and performance. The show is organized by size and our band this year went 8th, which is different than usual because they have grown a lot over the years. Overall, Suzy explained, the whole band could work more on tone in volume to better themselves even more. By doing that, the band will excel in greater measures. Their director Brett Tomko helps them with things to make them different and exciting than other bands around our area. He definitely does a good job, as our band is one of the highlights at Madison Highschool.

By: Nyla Chandler

Upcoming Events in Student Council

Thursday, October 3, student council had a meeting in Mrs. Maiorana’s room to discuss all about our upcoming spirit week and other events as well. Spirit week is normally the week of homecoming, but since we only have 3 days of school that week, we are doing it the last week of October. Spirit week is a great way for students to get involved in fun school activities, and it’s always a fun experience when everyone gets involved and participates.
For spirit week this year during all lunches and throughout the day during all of spirit week people will have the opportunity to play games and do fun activities. Some of these activities include trying to eat a donut on a string, A pie eating contest, Pumpkin carving, and a coloring contest that starts on Monday and will be judged either Thursday or Friday of that week.
On Monday, October 28th spirit week is going to start off with Pj day. Students can wear any pajamas they want as long as they school appropriate. On Tuesday October 29th, It will be Tacky tourist day where students can dress up in their best tourist outfits. Wednesday, October 30th will be U.S day, so students should show up in their best usa themed outfits! Thursday, October 31st will be Halloween dress up day, students will be able to wear their Halloween costume as long as it doesn’t break the dress code. If you aren’t sure if you can wear your costume ask an administrator if it’s appropriate. The last day of spirit week will be Decade day! Each grade level is assigned a decade to dress up as. Freshman can dress up as the 2000s, Sophomores can dress up like its the 90s, Juniors can dress up like its the 80s, and seniors can dress up like it’s the 70s! Make sure to stay on the lookout for more details and updates on Spirit week.

By: Chania Crawford

Friday, October 4, 2019

Your 2019 Homecoming Court

Last week, this year’s homecoming court was announced. Five girls: Mykayla Askew, Julia Bowers, Sydney Guyer, Tiffany Hammond, and Abbey Schultz and five guys: Ryan Bowers, Jacob Glass, Jacob Land, Alex Parmertor, and Fabi Ruiz Diaz made it onto this year’s court. You may be asking, who are these kids? What makes them stand out? I’m here to tell you exactly that. For the girls, both Mykayla and Sydney are captains of the Lady Blue Streaks soccer team. Currently you can find Abbey and Tiffany cheering on the Varsity team under the Friday night lights. There you will also find Julia, who is one of our majorettes. And for the boys, Jacob Glass, Jacob Land, and Alex are all on the Varsity football team. Fabi is on the Varsity soccer team. Ryan is currently recovering from a torn ACL, but he is hoping to be back in action for basketball season. As you can tell, this year’s court is extremely involved in our school. You’ll see more of them at the homecoming assembly on Wednesday, where they will participate in games and a dance. Homecoming queen will be announced at next week’s game against North which is on Thursday. Homecoming king will be announced at the dance on Friday. If you want to see who wins, tickets for the dance are being sold for $12 during the school week and $15 at the door. We hope to see everyone there for a special night.

By: Jillian Jeschenig

JV Soccer: Steven Scott

Junior and starting center back for the junior varsity soccer team Steven Scott caught my eye with two goals being a defender. Steven is a hard worker that has bubbled up to multiple varsity games to sit. Coming to the end of his junior year season,0 I asked him what his goals for his upcoming senior season is and wants to push himself up to be a varsity starter in the same center back defensive position. Steven states that “there was a lot of growth in the young boys this year, a change in chemistry between the boys and a constant lift in spirit.” I found that steven is constantly working for not only himself but the entire team, he builds up the team in a way that makes everyone work harder. His main focus for the young team is to constantly be working on communication and teamwork to make the team stronger than before. There has been a huge improvement throughout every aspect of the team.
Not only does Steven work hard on the field he works very hard in school. Steven maintains only A’s and B’s in all of his classes. His favorite class is Personal Financial Literacy with teacher Mr. Titman. After school he hasn’t had the time to think about what he wants to go to college but he know for sure that he wants to attend. His favorite sport is Soccer but outside of school and the season he plays baseball with his dad and brother also finding himself some work. Steven is the type of person who likes to keep himself occupied and constantly works for what he wants. Best of luck for the rest of the season and can’t wait for his next season to come.

By: Lexi Fleischer

JV Fotball Player: Sam Cost


 Sam Cost is a wide receiver and defensive back on the Madison jv football team. He is a sophomore at MHS and a team captain. Sam is a bright and cheerful person. He is a delight to have around on the team.

The MHS coaches are very fond of Sam Cost due to his strong work ethic and dedication. He is a talented athlete and with many skills. Sam is great at catching, blocking, and tackling. The coaches are excited to see how far Sam will progress this season as he continues to improve his skills. Coach Craemer stated, “Sam will make a very good varsity player due to his hard work, sense of natural ability, and determination.” Sam is a natural leader when it comes to helping his teammates at practice and always fixing little mistakes in the plays at practice.

Sam is not only dedicated to putting his best effort on the field, but he also puts this same effort into his academics. Sam has maintained a 4.0 grade average. He hopes to graduate at the top of his class and earn a spot in the  National Honors Society.

Sam Cost is also an extremely family oriented person. He loves spending time with his family and looks up to his older brother because he too played football in high school. He enjoys watching the Harry Potter Movie series with his family, a tradition started when he was young.

Sam is a great athlete on the field and a good student in the classroom. We are proud of you Sam! Keep up all the good work. We are excited to see what the future has in store for you.

By: Lexi Aiello

Jv Girls Soccer Update

The Lady Bluestreaks Junior Varsity soccer team has a conference game at home, against the Kenston Lady Bombers on Monday, October 7. This is their second to last match for the season. In the past, Kenston has proved to be a tough competitor, challenging Madison every year. Last season’s match resulted in a 1-1 draw but it was a hard-fought match. With Kenston being in the conference, this is a fairly important game for the girls.
 The keys to victory this game will be connecting with each other on the field and playing as a unit. The team has many strong players individually, however they have struggled with being strong together. Communication is a huge part in this key to victory. The players and coach are unsure what to expect from Kenston, but are preparing for whoever and whatever Kenston brings to the field. Team captains are sophomore, Allyssa Cardile, and freshman, Melanie Hribar. They both agree that this season has been going very well for the newly assembled team, and believe that they have a fair chance at getting positive results from their last couple of games as the season comes to an end. They intend on making the game against Kenston another win on their record.
Their next and final game after Kenston is Saturday, October 12th, against the Perry Lady Pirates. This is the first year in a while that the Perry Pirates have a Junior Varsity girls soccer team, and our girls are excited to see what they bring to the table. Come out and support the ladies as they finish their season!

By: Kate Kuntz

An Unfortunate Turn

As the season has progressed the Madison boy's soccer team has moved on to a 8-4-2 record recently taking two losses back to back. The first , against Lake Catholic Highschool and then against the Eastlake North Rangers. Against North the Bluestreaks conceded two goals and we're not able to put any in the net, though they did have many opportunities to do so. A very early goal in the beginning of the first half did not keep them down they fought hard and tough to the end of the game. This also happened to be a very big conference game that had they won surely would have guaranteed them a sole spot as number one in the WRC. However there is still a slight chance that Madison will share first place in the WRC. Soccer is a sport of miracles where anything can happen and the team will be praying for one. This night also happened to be there senior night where every position on the field was full Seniors. No matter what the result of the game the boys still kept their heads high knowing that this is one of the last times they all will play together, not just as a team but as a family. The lads are back to practice after the tough defeat and have two regular season games left before the playoffs begin. On Monday Madison will be traveling to Kenston for their last conference game of the season, and on Wednesday will be playing against their rival's, Perry, for the border cup.

By: Isaac Moyer

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

"U Wanna Come Back'

This past Saturday, September 28th, 2019 your Madison Boys Cross Country team ran at the meet “U Wanna Come Back” at the Madison High School. “U Wanna Come Back” is one of (if not THE) oldest cross country races in Northeast Ohio. The heat was not very kind to the boys again, but they still managed to place 8th out of 22 teams!
   From the previous meet last year at “U Wanna Come Back,” a good handful of the boys have dropped their personal times. Brandon Rockwood dropped 39 seconds, Dillon Miller dropped 16 seconds, Reece Powell dropped 1 second, Ben Warren dropped 45 seconds, Kellan Ray dropped 23 seconds, and Lucas Carroll dropped the most time out of all the boys with 2 minutes and 35 seconds. There were a total of six personal records at this meet and the boys are very pleased with how they did, however some of them added a bit of time but they’re hoping to bounce back from it.
    Your Madison Boys Cross Country team has been working very hard at practice to be where they are now in the season. The boys have been doing very good overall at all of their past meets this season. This coming Saturday, October 5th, 2019 the Madison Cross Country boys will be traveling to the 28th Annual Medina Cross Country Festival. The boys varsity division will be running at 10:05 in the morning. Make sure to go and support them as they take on this next meet!

By: Kylee Mramor

Volley for the Cure Madison vs. Perry

The long awaited volleyball game Volley for the Cure finally happened last Wednesday. This is the volleyball team's favorite game of the season and also one of the biggest games of the season. Volley for the Cure always pulls a big crowd. The girls advertised the game all week and the week before. They sold Volley for the Cure shirts for ten dollars each. If you bought a shirt you could get into the game for free and give back to a great cause. The girls played to fight against cancer and they also played to win back the little pink jug. The pink jug was won by Perry’s volleyball team last year, but the girls fought hard to get her back into the hands of the Madison Blue Streaks. The game was the best out of five games. The Blue Streaks lost the first game to the Perry Pirates. The girls played tough and worked together to destroy the lady Pirates and they won the next three games to bring them to victory. We might not have won the big brown jug but at least the little pink jug is back in the hands of the Madison Blue Streaks. The girls are sad that their season is over but they have enjoyed working together and really playing as a team over the volleyball season. The whole team is going to miss all the seniors next year and are excited to watch them move onto bigger and better things.

By: Mariah Hennessey

Monday, September 30, 2019

Making Moves

The boys Varsity team has had an amazing season so far. Their record currently is at 8-2-2, and currently have only lost one game in their conference falling short against Riverside highschool. They are currently sitting at 42 goals so far this season, with the leading goal scorer being Fabian Ruiz-Diaz, and have the chance to break the previous school record of 44. The lads also look to set another school record by winning the most games in a regular season which is currently held at 9, and with 4 games left they should be able to make history for the highschool. Recently the Bluestreaks took on the Mayfield Cat's in a major conference match and it was do or die for the lads. In past years the Bluestreaks had fallen short to Mayfield, but dedication and hard work in the off season gave them a fighting chance. The game was hard fought and eventually the lads came out with a 2-0 victory with goals by Fabian Ruiz-Diaz and Cameron May, and Brian Keyser with 13 saves in goal. However Madison still has tough matchups ahead in the WRC against North and Kenston. The results of these matches will be the deciding factor in how the lads finish in the WRC. With the momentum gained from beating Mayfield there is a lot more to be expected from this team that has really came to play and show what Madison soccer is really about.

By: Isaac Moyer

Friday, September 27, 2019

Saturdays are for the Boys

Saturdays are definitely for your Madison Boys Cross Country team! So far this 2019 season the boys have ran at the following meets starting out with War on the Shore which took place on Monday August 19th, the boys ran a great race and came in 5th place out of 17 teams. On Saturday August 24th, the boys ran at the Berkshire Early Bird Invite in which they placed 3rd overall out of 15 teams. On August 29th, they ran at the 2019 Frank Gibas Kenston Invitational and the boys placed 15 out of 29. They’ve also had meets at the Forest Hills Park in Cleveland hosted by Villa Angela saint Joseph and the 32nd annual Patriot Cross Country Invitational. Their previous meet was a tough fought team race and the boys placed 6th out of 19 even though the heat was not very kind to them!

 So far this season, all of the athletes from a year ago continue to drop their times in the races. The boys are proud of themselves and how they have been working together as a team. They are all excited to see how they are going to do at these next upcoming meets. They have all been putting work in hard work at practice to make themselves better as a team and as an individual.

This Saturday September 28th, 2019 your Madison Boys Cross Country team will be attending the meet U Wanna Come Back Invitational. This meet will take place at the Madison High School. The high school boys varsity race starts at 9:45AM and the high school boys open race will start at 11:15AM. Come and support your Madison Boys Cross Country team this Saturday, September 28th!

By: Kylee Mramor

Perry Week

This week was Perry Week! Although it was by far one of the most eventful games of this year, the streaks did not bring home that brown jug. But the cheerleaders had a lot to say on the subject. They told me about how the game started out with many nerves but lots of excitement. They got to meet the other cheerleaders and share some laughs. Some of our girls even knew a few of the opponents cheerleaders.
 As the game started they continued their peppy cheers and positive spirits. Junior, Maddie Pekar, stated “ We all knew this was our best chance at beating our rival so we all had high anxiety because we really wanted to see these boys succeed and accomplish something they’ve been working toward for so long”. Many of the girls agreed with her statement saying they overall enjoyed the whole first half because of how well our offense was doing.
After the first half went by, Perry’s announcer came over the speaker to let everyone know that a dangerous storm was coming that way. The cheerleaders and band all filed into the school and waited out the storm for almost 2 hours. Some would think that the thought of having to sit in that school for that long would be boring. But the lady streaks made the most of it.
Junior Emma Wade stated to me, “We explored the school, played games, and messed around with the band. We really tried to make it all as fun as possible. Especially because some of our best friends are the senior cheerleaders and we knew it was their last rivalry experience, so we wanted to make it the best.”
The game was eventually rescheduled to finish the final half that Saturday at 2pm. The cheerleaders were not required to cheer, but still came to cheer them on as much as possible from the stands. Senior Tiffany Hammond stated to me, “The game did not end in our favor but the boys still put up one of the biggest fights we’ve ever seen against those pirates. I can’t even remember the last night we got almost 40 points on Perry. We are all so unbelievably proud of them. Based on the hard work, determination, and fight they expressed, they’ve truly won in our hearts”.

By: Abbey Schultz

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Boys' Soccer Pregame


The idea of a pregame ritual is when an athlete finds something that they do before or sometimes after each and every game. I asked around the entire boys soccer team, JV and varsity, to see what they do and why.
I first asked CJ Kessler, one of the varsity captains and starters, he said that focus is the main goal of him and the entire team. In the locker room the boys play music to get them hyped up for the game. The upcoming game is constantly talked about among the boys to make sure they know what is coming for them and how to react the right way.
CJ states that “During warmups I usually go quiet. I focus on nothing else but the game and visualize what I need to do to help get the team a win in the end.”
Next I asked Justus Albert and Martín Arredondo, receiving about the same answer, both of the boys say a prayer before entering the game in hopes of good health and a good game for them and the team.
I also got to ask some of the JV boys what they do before every game and found that most of them find music being the most important thing they do before every game. Music helps the boys find their heads before the game and find the focus they need.
The break out of a team is always important to make the team excited to play the game that is within minutes of playing. The little things each player does could have no explanation and that’s what a pregame ritual consists of it also must be working for the boys with an amazing record of 8-2-2.

MHS Blood Drive

On Wednesday, September 25th the American Red Cross came to Madison high school for our third annual blood drive! Students over the age of 16 can sign up to donate blood for the blood drive. Donating blood is very important to people all around the world who are in need of a blood transfusion. Key club has organized this blood drive for three years straight with the local Red Cross. Madison has always had so many kids eager to donate blood, teachers donate as well. In order to donate blood, there are a couple qualifications you need to meet depending on your age and weight. Anyone can help out with the blood drive as long as you sign up to. It’s a great event to bring awareness to the importance of donating blood. One blood donor can save up to 3 different lives. Key club members have three different jobs in the blood drive, Supporter, signing people in, and taking passes to each class that has someone donating. President of key club Jordan Welton says, “ key club organizes this event every year twice a year”. After people get done checking in, and actually donate blood they sit down and can eat snacks and drinks, provided by key club, and hang out until they have rested enough to go back to class. Some people get lightheaded after giving blood so the key club workers make sure they give them lots of food and water. All the blood taken from the blood drive goes directly to the people who were hospitalized from hurricane Dorian. So make sure if you didn’t donate to this blood drive donate at the next to save lives!

By: Chania Crawford

JV Girls' Soccer - Madison at Mayfield


The Madison Girl’s junior varsity soccer team had an away match against the Mayfield Lady Wildcats on Tuesday, September 24th. The team came through with a 2-1 win, making their season record 6-5-1 overall, and 3-2 in the conference. 
Right from the start of the game, the girls were playing fast-paced and putting in the effort to get the results they wanted and it paid off. The first goal of the game came from freshman, Melanie Hribar (forward), assisted by sophomore, Allyssa Cardile (midfield). 
This goal hyped the girls up and gave them the push they needed to secure the win. The second goal of the game came from freshman, Emma MacAdam (midfield), off of a penalty kick at the end of the first half. 
In response to our two goals in the first half, Mayfield came out strong in the second half and scored a goal right off the bat, making the score 2-1. The rest of the game was constantly back and forth between each team’s half, but no other goals were scored for the remainder of the game. 
Heart beads went out to Jessica Ramirez (junior), Emma MacAdam (freshman), Autumn Hejduk (sophomore), and Olivia March (freshman), and the game ball was awarded to Allyssa Cardille. 
The girl’s next game is home, against the Notre Dame Cathedral Latin (NDCL) Lady Lions on Thursday, September 26th. Although NDCL is not in our conference and they are no longer in our district, however they are one of our toughest competitors throughout the season.

By: Kate Kuntz

Blood Drive


On Wednesday, September 25th the American Red Cross came to Madison high school for our annual blood drive! Students over the age of 16 can sign up to donate blood for the blood drive. 
Donating blood is very important to people all around the world who are in need of a blood transfusion. Key club has organized this blood drive for three years straight with the local Red Cross. Madison has always had so many kids eager to donate blood, teachers donate as well. 
In order to donate blood, there are a couple qualifications you need to meet depending on your age and weight. Anyone can help out with the blood drive as long as you sign up to. It’s a great event to bring awareness to the importance of donating blood. One blood donor can save up to three different lives. Key club members have three different jobs in the blood drive, Supporter, signing people in, and taking passes to each class that has someone donating. 
President of key club Jordan Welton says, “ Key club organizes this event every year twice a year." 
After people get done checking in, and actually donate blood they sit down and can eat snacks and drinks, provided by key club, and hang out until they have rested enough to go back to class. Some people get lightheaded after giving blood so the key club workers make sure they give them lots of food and water. 
All the blood taken from the blood drive goes directly to the people who were hospitalized from hurricane Dorian. So make sure if you didn’t donate to this blood drive donate at the next to save lives!

By: Chania Crawford

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Lady Bluestreaks Face Lady Wildcats


The Madison Girl’s junior varsity soccer team had an away match against the Mayfield lady wildcats on Tuesday, September 24th. The team came through with a 2-1 win, making their season record 6-5-1 overall, and 3-2 in the conference.
 Right from the start of the game, the girls were playing fast-paced and putting in the effort to get the results they wanted and it paid off. The first goal of the game came from freshman, Melanie Hribar (forward), assisted by sophomore, Allyssa Cardile (midfield). This goal hyped the girls up and gave them the push they needed to secure the win. The second goal of the game came from freshman, Emma MacAdam (midfield), off of a penalty kick at the end of the first half. In response to our two goals in the first half, Mayfield came out strong in the second half and scored a goal right off the bat, making the score 2-1. The rest of the game was constantly back and forth between each team’s half, but no other goals were scored for the remainder of the game.

  Heart beads went out to Jessica Ramirez (junior), Emma MacAdam (freshman), Autumn Hejduk (sophomore), and Olivia March (freshman), and the game ball was awarded to Allyssa Cardille. The girl’s next game is home, against the Notre Dame Cathedral Latin (NDCL) Lady Lions on Thursday, September 26th. Although NDCL is not in our conference and they are no longer in our district, however they are one of our toughest competitors throughout the season.

By: Kate Kuntz

Friday, September 20, 2019

Madison Marching Band 2019-2020

The band has been great entertainment at the football games this season. They fill the air with pure joy and excitement. They are a great way to hype everyone up that surrounds that game. The members of the band are finally coming together with the new band members and the new drum majors. Watching the band gives people chills especially when our football team scores a touchdown or even better wins the game. The music fills people’s ears in excitement and it is the finishing touch to a great night.

Not only are they at the games to excite people, but they have their own competitions with the other bands. It would be great if we got school spirit to support them at the Grape Jamboree Parade September 21st and their big LCMEA band show September 25th. They love to see students to support because they put a lot of hard work and dedication to their music, which sounds great. At the pep assembly for the game Madison vs Perry on September 13th, we had one of the members play the drums upside down and for that no other band is like ours. They really do put on a show. I interviewed Leah Frase, a junior student in the Madison Marching Band, to give an inside look on her views on marching band. She explains how when she joined the marching band it really gave her a place at Madison High School. She accomplished meeting new people, which today are her good friends. She loves football games because they come together and do cheers. “Whether the team is winning or losing it’s still always fun,'' she mentions. A big shoutout goes to the marching band.

By: Nyla Chandler

Showing Support

These past few weeks of football have flown by and we’re already almost halfway through the season! We’ve had great turnouts for the spirit section at not only the football games, but both boys and girls soccer as well as volleyball. This past week we watched the boys play in a hard fought game against Perry that ended up being cut short at halftime due to storms. The game resumed the next day at 2 pm and we had a great crowd to cheer them on. Even though we may not have won the game, the boys held strong and put in their best efforts.

This week we’re facing the Willoughby South Rebels at home. The theme for the game is Hawaiian, which has become a favorite for the spirit section every year. It is also senior night for all fall sports. Senior night is always a bittersweet feeling and hopefully the boys will end this special night with a win. This upcoming week the team is headed to Riverside and the theme will be announced on the spirit section twitter, @MadtownSection, sometime during the week. You can follow that account to keep updated with themes, games, and other events. I’m hoping to keep a large crowd coming to the games because the more people that come, the louder we are, and the more support the boys feel. Remember to start dressing for the weather as it gets colder out. Also make sure everyone is picking up after themselves and keeping the stands clean. This year is already off to a great start and I’m hoping that we all keep this streak going throughout the rest of the school year.

By: Jillian Jeschenig

JV Girls Volleyball Takes the Win

 On Tuesday September 17th, the Madison Jv girls volleyball had a conference match up against the Brush Arcs. Brush is one of the easier teams to face out of the WRC so after talking to a couple of the girls they all believed that the match would benefit them and pull out a win on that Tuesday. The meet starts out slow. There were some messy plays here and there that happened, but the girls pulled it together with some hard hits and good serve returns against the Arc’s. Madison pulls out a win in the first set against Brush and they gear up to pull off another one to finish off the game. In the 2nd match setter, Aliyah Krimmel, had some good sets up to the front row hitters . They had good coordination and strong chemistry this game. The Madison ladies needed a win for some hope for the rest of the season.

 They face up against Willoughby South rebels this Thursday the 19th. They will need to put together all they have to pull off a win against a strong offensive team like Willoughby South. As talking with some of the girls they say help and support from students and parents really motivate them to play harder and be a better team. So make sure you are there to support these girls as they continue their season to grow and work hard and hopefully win the WRC this year.

By: Cailin Keller

Madison v. Riverside- Sports preview:

The rivalry is back between the Jv boys Madison Blue Streaks and the Riverside Beavers, on September 17th, the boys kick off the game at 5:00 on the Riverside turf. The boys start up week after a loss to Notre Dame Lutheran Cathedral. Carter Horvath, junior and starting goalie, states that if the lads come into the game with confidence with their teammates, and bring the intensity the entire time they should seek victory in the end. Most of the young players believe that this will be a good matchup between the two teams, but not comparable to the Madison boys. Coach Swanarski has seen a lot of improvement in the young boys and is excited for the rest of the season. Carter, who is one who connects well with the team and can easily place the ball up the field, explains that although this is the first tough WRC match up for the JV boys and it should be a hard fought battle but if all is done well. The JV boys have played multiple tough teams in the previous game but nothing has stopped their hugh spirits and good moods. They always find a way to pick each other up and all have a good bond with each other. Nothing can stop the young boys from getting what they want. The Riverside game should be one to see and good luck to the boys.

By: Lexi Fleischer

CBI Field trip Day

On September 19th the CBI class took a field trip to the camp called Camp Hi in Hiram, OH. The field trip was a way of bringing together the students in the class and making them work together. I interviewed Mr. Kramer about the whole experience, he told me how wonderful the experience was and how the trip really helped the kids become unified.

 At Camp Hi, they have a twenty five mile long river that the kids got to canoe down that can take from one to six hours depending on the experience of the canoer. Mr. Kramer said they spent about four hours canoeing down the river, it was tiring but the students had such a great experience. The river varies in depth, some areas were deeper than others so the students had to make sure they followed the rules or else they could tip over and it would be difficult to get back up. There were twenty two students that went on the trip including Mr. Kramer himself. Each canoe could hold two to three kids, they broke them up into nine groups and then set off on the trip.

The purpose of the trip was that they had to learn how to work with the other kids in the canoe to make the canoe go straight and go steadily down this twenty five mile river. In the previous years our assistant principal, Mr. Whaley had organized this trip but Mr. Kramer said he wanted to organize it a little different this year. He wanted this trip to show the kids how to work in a team and exercise their communication skills and how to handle a stressful situation because these kids had never been canoeing before the trip.

Mr. Kramer said that the trip went better than he ever hoped it would and all the kids had an overall great experience. After the field trip all the kids and Mr. Kramer went to our local Pizza Roto for lunch and had a great time. They shared pictures and stories about the trip and had a humbling experience together.

By: Emily Schostek

Congrats Alyssa Lavdis!

16 year old junior, Alyssa Lavdis has been playing softball for 7 years. All those years of hard work have paid off in a tremendous way. On September 1st, 12:07 a.m. Alyssa’s coach called her to share some big news. She was recruited to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga to continue her D1 athletic and academic career.

When asked about what she was most excited for, besides playing softball for UTC, she said, “Getting to explore the campus in her free time, and meeting new friends!”.

 Alyssa first got into softball, seven years ago, after seeing her sister playing which led into her love for the sport. Alyssa plays for the Ohio Hawks and Madison High School. Her position is pitcher and she is number 24. Alyssa first knew that she wanted to continue playing softball after highschool when she was about 12 years old when she first fell in love with the sport.

Ayssa says, “My most exciting moment from my softball career so far is when my travel team and I won nationals in Georgia this past summer”.

To make sure she’s always in shape and can do her best in softball she makes sure to workout and train during the off season. Alyssa also plays basketball for the school, and like softball, she is an outstanding player! When Alyssa isn’t playing softball or basketball she enjoys shopping, hanging out with her friends, and playing basketball for fun. Congratulations to Alyssa on her recruitment to The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, she is going to be great there!

By: Chania Crawford