Monday, December 16, 2019

Singing as an Alto with Ava Hutchinson

Ava Hutchinson is a sophomore who sings in the Concert Choir at MHS. Her favorite thing about being in the choir is singing at the concerts and being able to hear the finished product of the songs they all worked hard on. Her favorite concert so far this year was the Holiday Charity Spectacular where the choirs put on a show to raise money for local charities. The songs that the concert choir sang were “Christmas Children” and “Bells of Christmas Medley.”  The choirs also had their winter concert which they sang a combined seven minute “Holiday Favorites” song with women’s choir, Eclectica, and the band. At the beginning of the year, Ava was originally put in the soprano section to sing, but later on got moved to the alto section. She doesn’t mind it but the notes are definitely more difficult to learn than they would be singing as a soprano. Ava is very excited about all the upcoming concerts and all the new music the choirs are going to be learning and performing. She is excited to attend LCMEA and sing the new song their learning which is called “A Million Dreams.” Ava was apart of choir in middle school but she ended up dropping it as a class and rejoined back in high school. Next year, Ava would like to try out for eclectica. Her favorite thing to do in her free time is watch Netflix or YouTube and spend time with her friends and family. She also enjoys eating her favorite foods which are mashed potatoes and buffalo chicken dip.

By: Kylee Mramor

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