Monday, December 16, 2019

Starting out Strong

The Boys Varsity basketball team is off to a great start this season. For their first game of the season, they faced the Geneva Eagles at Geneva. Prior to the game, most people believed that Madison would win, and after the big upset when we lost to Geneva during football season, everyone was ready for our boys to take the W. The boys came out strong with Alex Dragas scoring 26 points, 5 of those being 3’s, Chris Blauman scoring 18 points with 2 dunks, and Shane Gibson with 8 assists in his first Varsity start. Many students came out to support this game and have continued to do so with the following games. When asked about this game, Kate Kuntz said it was “a very aggressive and entertaining game to watch” and Chania Crawford said “there was lots of tension and the entire gym was very high energy”. After this win, Chris Blauman stated that “this game gave the team a lot of confidence and it was a very good way to start the season”. This confidence shows and is making everyone excited for the rest of the season. Lexi Fleischer said “I think the team has a lot of potential and even if it takes some time for them to grow together fully but I think that once they do they will go far.'' The next game is Friday, December 13th at Chardon at 7:30pm, come out and support if you can.

By: Jillian Jeschenig

Join Model UN!

Madison High School has a new club called model UN run by Mr. Gilligan. Model UN is a club where students have the chance to learn more about politics and have the chance to debate about them in conferences with other schools. The club was created at the beginning of the school year and doesn’t have too many members due to no one at the school really knowing about it, and it being so new to the school. Model Un is a great club to join that allows you to learn more about the political world around you, and allows you to listen to other people's thoughts and ideals. Model Un helps students learn proper ways to have discussions about politics in an appropriate manner. Model UN is also a great way to meet people at other schools, and get new ideas from them. In Model UN students each get a position representing a country in the United Nations and debate topics while solving different crisis the country is going through. Group member Macayla Childs comments on Model Un, “It’s super fun, at our last conference China and the US almost went into nuclear war and China took Danny Devito as a prisoner of war”. Model Un is described as being very fun, while being educational and allows people to open up their minds to new ideals, and beliefs they wouldn’t have thought of on their own. Model Un also helps people see from new perspectives, and understand why different countries think the way they do. For more information on Model UN talk to the teacher Mr. GIlligan, and think about joining the club!

By: Chania Crawford

Singing as an Alto with Ava Hutchinson

Ava Hutchinson is a sophomore who sings in the Concert Choir at MHS. Her favorite thing about being in the choir is singing at the concerts and being able to hear the finished product of the songs they all worked hard on. Her favorite concert so far this year was the Holiday Charity Spectacular where the choirs put on a show to raise money for local charities. The songs that the concert choir sang were “Christmas Children” and “Bells of Christmas Medley.”  The choirs also had their winter concert which they sang a combined seven minute “Holiday Favorites” song with women’s choir, Eclectica, and the band. At the beginning of the year, Ava was originally put in the soprano section to sing, but later on got moved to the alto section. She doesn’t mind it but the notes are definitely more difficult to learn than they would be singing as a soprano. Ava is very excited about all the upcoming concerts and all the new music the choirs are going to be learning and performing. She is excited to attend LCMEA and sing the new song their learning which is called “A Million Dreams.” Ava was apart of choir in middle school but she ended up dropping it as a class and rejoined back in high school. Next year, Ava would like to try out for eclectica. Her favorite thing to do in her free time is watch Netflix or YouTube and spend time with her friends and family. She also enjoys eating her favorite foods which are mashed potatoes and buffalo chicken dip.

By: Kylee Mramor

Monday, December 9, 2019

Off To A Good Season

 The girls basketball team is off to a pretty good start to their season. The coaches, and the team are excited for this upcoming season. They have worked very hard, and have put their all into this season, and sport. The girls will always try to improve themselves even if it means working 10 times harder.
     Last Friday evening the girls played away at Wickliffe against the Wickliffe Blue Devils. The girls started off the game strongly. The Madison Blue streaks took home a victory 69-25. The girls played extremely well. Kailey Williams had 29 points at the end of the game. At half time the score of the game was 55-10. Due to Kailey’s determination, and dedication to the game she was able to end the Wickliffe game with a ton of steals. Riley Elliot had a beautiful fast break off of a rebound, and was able to lead to great fast break giving Kailey a wide open layup. Chloe Lewanski had a beautiful three pointer. By the end of the game the coaches, fans and the team were very proud of themselves that all of their hardwork, and dedication paid off into having such a good time. The JV basketball team is confident, and ready for their next upcoming game. Keep up all of the good work girls!

 The Madison Jv basketball team will be playing away next Wednesday, December 11 at Chardon High School. The girls can use all of the support that they can get. Come on, and show your bluestreak pride Wednesday at Chardon.

By: Lexi Aiello

Dribble, Pass, Shoot

Over the week the Madison Girls basketball team played two games. They traveled to Willowick Saturday were they faced the Devils in a non conference game. A tremendous performance was done by the ladies. Even though the girls were up throughout the whole game they never once let up and put in 110% effort. The girls won the game by an outstanding score of 87-27. The ladies had great ball movement and ran their plays very well running the plays long enough to knock a few minutes off of the clock and only shooting when they were open or knew it was a good shot or foul worthy. Also the ladies opened their WRC play when they traveled to Kenston on Wednesday to take on the lady bombers. It was a hard tough game for the lady blue streaks. It was a back and forth game throughout the first half of play. Going into halftime with a tight score of 20-21 Kenston leading by only one point. Going out of halftime the bombers started to pick up the pace and the lady streaks started scrambling. The lady streaks began to panic when things started to get harder. Being such a young team there are often still times when they rush and don’t think shots through when competition is good. In the fourth quarter the girls weren’t running their plays through all the way and started throwing up shots without any ball movement. The bluestreaks worked in practice on running their plays through and being more patient, waiting for a good shot. The girls basketball team lost to the Kenston BOmbers by a final score of 51-39. The lady bluestreaks are back in action Saturday when the travel to take on the North Rangers ina WRC match up.

By: Alyssa Molnar

Girls Swimming

The girls swim team has been training hard to prepare for their first swim meet of the season. Last Saturday the girls swim team will be traveled to Spire Institute for their first invitational and meet of the swim season. The girls have been working hard for the past couple of weeks practicing everyday for at least an hour and a half. They also weight train for an hour and a half two days out of the week with assistant coach Aja Rendek. The girls came in second place out of the 7 teams that swam. They were not too far behind in points, the Canfield girls swim team who got first. All the girls swam good races. In the next few meets the girls are hoping to beat some of their personal bests. Their next meet is not for a few weeks over Christmas break against the Jefferson Falcons on the 28th of December. It is the first home meet of the season. The meet will be held at home at the East End YMCA. The girls are hoping to take home an easy win against the Jefferson Falcons at their first home meet of the season. The girls are predicted to do very well this season just as last year. Last they won most of their dual meets and placed very well in invitationals. Last year the girls broke lots of Madison’s swim records and hope to break more and even break the ones they made last year.

By: Mariah Hennessey

Monday, December 2, 2019

MHS Science Addition

Science is a big part in people’s everyday lives. People use it everyday without even noticing. In Madison Local Schools we have a wide variety of different science classes and different science teachers. I interviewed Mr. Pira for his own personal thoughts on science. He explains how science is his favorite subject because it’s life and it’s what we do and it’s what we are. I also asked him about the project he and other students are currently working on outside. He mentions how it is a student project in an honors ecology course that is going to be an outdoor classroom. It’s purpose is to bring about and approve human well being in terms of mental health issues. The healing power of nature can help mental health issues. It is also a nice space to do chemical based projects, so it does not get too messy when it is indoors. Also, soil labs and dissections go along with this that tend to stink up the science lab or science wing. The outdoor classroom is an easy way to prevent those smells. He also says how it doesn’t have to be a space only for science, but other subjects such as English or any other subject that needs the outdoor space. It gives a different environment to inspire different ideas. This space is useful for a lot of things and it’s very helpful. A lot of students will find this space useful as it gives a different perspective rather than being stuck in a classroom all day.

By: Nyla Chandler

The future of Madison basketball

This week the focus is on student athlete, Matty Vliek. Matty is a junior basketball player who currently is on jv but has high hopes for the season and is determined to get varsity minutes. Matty is looking forward to a winning season with the help of his teammates and their coach, coach Blauman, and a positive start to their season with their opener being against the Geneva Eagles. Matty is currently labeled as one of the best shooters on the team with him only falling slightly behind Varsity starter Chris Blauman. So far Matty has earned his Jv letter his sophomore year, and currently he is in a leadership spot and looks forward to the responsibilities he will be taking in this season. Matty's hard work and dedication in the off-season has motivated him to not only improve himself on the court but off it as well. He is still pushing to be even better hoping to become starting varsity for basketball, baseball, and have a 4.0 gpa when he finishes high school. Matty plans to continue playing basketball and maintain a solid gpa and I'm the future attend Ohio University for sports medicine. One of his best memories in highschool was watching his cousin, and best friend, Ryan Bowers score the game winning three against rival's Perry. In his off time Matty likes to spend time with his friends and enjoys rooting for his favorite hockey team, The Lake Erie Monsters.

By: Isaac Moyer