Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Another Win

BY: Isabel Gnagy

Our Madison High School Blue Streak Boys Varsity Basketball traveled away to face the Berkshire Badgers on the 9th of this month. As the night was just starting the boys were a bit sluggish, but they quickly picked up there act and finished off the first quarter with a score of 23-6. At the start of halftime the boys had built up a score of 50-12 and the fourth quarter the Badgers hadn’t gained much with only 24 points and Madison with 73 points. In the final quarter the Blue Streaks brought home their second win of the year with the final score of 75-36.

Overall the Boys Basketball put on a phenomenal game. It was great to see them get their second win that night. All the coaches are very proud to see the boys play the ball so well and work together. They also expect to see many more wins in the future. The boys will most likely continue to learn and become more of brothers than a team.

Coach Titman says, “We played great as a team. We shared the ball. A lot of the little stuff we have been working on, we saw a lot of progress last night, and every guy on the team was able to contribute to the win. Hopefully this game can launch us into playing some pretty good games later in the season.” Come out to Riverside on the 12th of January to watch the boys take on the Beavers and get another win.

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