Thursday, March 15, 2018

An Angel in Madison

By: Isabel Gnagy

Art. To most, a required course at most high schools but here at Madison High School it is another story. Mr. Grier, one of the most beloved and outstanding teachers at MHS passed away February 15, 2018. The day, only a month ago, started out uncertain with the news of his passing as it was a controversial rumor but by the end of first block it was officially confirmed. He was gone too soon from our school and too fast for our hearts.
Heartbreak rang throughout the school. Flowers and works of art were laid in front of the Streak Shack as a memorial to him. And on all social media platforms there were various accounts of memories with Mr. Grier. Many recall his musical taste, always playing Artic money or other 80s/90s rock throughout his whole class period. While at first in the beginning we all found his taste strange, we learned to love not only the music but the man himself. 
His personality was always something that stood out as well. His sarcastic comments that always incited laughter through any student will never be forgotten but instead always remembered and cherished. Along with his jokes came his ever so present want to help any student in any way he could. His endearing and calming ways helped numerous troubled students who had either came to him or he had gone to check on when he felt they were troubled. He cared so much for all students of Madison and many of us cared just as much back. Possibly even more.
Mr. Grier taught us all two major things in that very art class: Expression and love. He taught many that art is more than just lines and colors. Art is a way to express yourself and your feelings in a creative peaceful way for others to see and relate to. His teachings have inspired many to become an art teacher as well or become an active member in the art community. He had taught us so much and it hopefully will never be forgotten.  
He taught us to always love ourselves and others around us. Treat them with care and never isolate someone out because they were different. He continuously went out of his way to make sure no one was left out. For several classes he brought in snacks such as donuts and if someone ever had an allergy he did all he could to make sure they weren’t left out. He would bring in their favorite kind of food because they couldn’t eat the donuts or the delectable snack he had that day.
Jeff Grier was an astounding person and a critical part of the Madison High School staff. Not only will his family mourn his loss but so will the teachers and students of Madison High School. We may have lost a teacher but we have most definitely gained an angel.

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