Friday, November 30, 2018

The Inspiring Story of Alexis Randall

By: Alyssa Knezevich

Alexis Randall is a junior at Madison High School, and is also part of the Varsity football, basketball, and competition squad for the 2018 school year. Alexis has had years of experience as a Madison cheerleader.. She made the cheerleading squad when she was in middle school, and has been involved every year. Alexis says, “Cheer plays a special part in my heart, I really love being part of a team and working hard with my closest friends by my side.”

Unfortunately, Alexis came across a medical problem two years ago. She kept on feeling pain in her ankle. It got so bad that she had to start going through physical therapy. There was a time where she noticed that it still wasn’t getting better.

Alexis went to the hospital to get her second MRI and found out terrible news. She had a rare problem where she had a third tendon in her ankle when she was only supposed to have two. The doctors told her that she would need surgery, and it would take a total of six months to recover. This means no more cheer for the rest of the season, including competition.

This was heartbreaking news for Alexis. She knew she couldn’t do anything to change what happened, and had to figure out what she wanted to do. She could either get surgery now and be out for the rest of the season, or postpone the surgery until next year. She decided that the best idea would be to get the surgery now, so she could cheer the whole season next year when she is a senior.

Alexis continues to go to practices, and games to support her friends and help them continue to get better and better each day for the upcoming basketball season. Alexis says, “I couldn’t miss being with my friends. I am still a cheerleader for my school, and I will continue to do what I can, no matter what it takes.” Alexis will attend the competitions and cheer for her friends. She said the goal for this year's competition squad is to do their best and try to win grand champions. “This year’s competition squad has the most people we have ever had. There is a total of 21 girls. I feel like this year is going to be an exciting year since there are so many of us.” The girls first competition is this Saturday, the first of December. They will have many competitions this season and Alexis will continue to support her friends, and is looking forward for her senior year.

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