Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Up All Night

Jillian Jeschenig
By: Alyssa Molnar

      This past weekend the babies went out yet again to their mothers and fathers. Jillian Jeschenig took her baby Grayson out to many different places. He got to experience a basketball game as well as a wrestling match. He also got to go out to lunch at Joeys and Chipotle. Jillian says that taking care of the baby was very tiring, she didn’t sleep a lot and that it cries a lot, but she got off the hook with only 70 min of cry time some people had it way worse.

     Summer Houston who also had to take care of a baby says that she didn’t sleep for three days but only had 55 minutes of cry time. She didn’t like having the baby because she couldn’t do much but she ended up taking the baby to a party and to a midnight trip to taco bell. Overall she wishes it was more realistic.

    Lastly Dom Osborne and his baby Lily had a rough time. He recalls that the baby cried for a total of 244 minutes which is a lot. He took his baby to a wrestling meet as well and he also got very little sleep. Overall they all wish the baby was more realistic and didn’t keep you up all night.

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