Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A wrestling road trip

By: Taylor Stevens

Madison’s Wrestling took a mini road trip up to Grove City, PA to compete in the Fred Bell Tournament. After an hour and thirty minute trip the boys get in and get ready to be weighed. Everyone made weight, the wrestling was to start at noon.

After the first round of the Fred Bell Tournament the team walked away with 5 wins from 5 different people, Bradley, Douglas, David, Brody, and Logan. Seven make it to the second round of the tournament.

Dominic Zirkle was only one away from placing in this tournament, it was upsetting that he did not place, but it shows that there is room for work. For all players. Douglas Bailey and Brody Arrundale wrestled to place third overall in the tournament.

This tournament was an eye opener for the rest of the season. It showed the coaches where the team needs room for improvement for the rest of the season. The last couple weeks is when the players need to push the hardest they can, especially the seniors. Coach Head said, “We lost some and we won some. We learned a lot about ourselves and what we need to improve going into the final stretch. Overall a great experience for our underclassmen and great competition for our seniors.” The team takes on the WRC Tournament February 3rd against 8 different schools, it is going to be a great day for wrestling and the whole team hopes to see you there. They need all the support they can get. This tournament shows who qualifies for states, which is a major goal for lots of players.   

The "Head Voice" of the Choir Council

By: Gavin Dooley

I feel that Brooke Howley has earned her the spotlight because of her hard working attitude and her ability to keep up with the workload she has and being able to do well in her classes is impressive.

I have chosen Brooke because on multiple occasions I have spoken to her about  what her future goals are. She told me about her want to become a choir teacher and I was impressed on her focus and dedication on achieving her aspirations and how she is a good student even when busy with out of school activities for most of the week.

Some aspects that make Brooke stand out is that she is now the choir council president which allows her to help improve the choir program. She has also been invited to be a part of the University of Akron’s High School Honor Chamber Choir.

Brooke still wants to do something for the choirs that will outlive her time at Madison, something to give back to the program that gave her a purpose. One of her most memorable moments in high school was a cabaret her sophomore year which “broke the ice” with her performances. For Brooke’s immediate future she wants to go to college. Then she wants to become a choir teacher down the road. Finally, Brooke’s favorite class is choir.

Keeping it Cheery

By: Alyssa Knezevich

Amber Ferra, a senior at Madison High School, is competing for her last season for competition cheer. She has been on the team most of her high school career. Amber says, “Being apart of the competition team is something I will never forget. We put a lot of hard work and it all pays off when we get on the mat to compete. It’s an amazing experience being able to do it with some of my closest friends make it even better.”

Amber is also part of the Varsity football and Varsity basketball cheer leading squad. She was the captain for both squads. She enjoys cheer leading and it means a lot for her to support her friends on the teams while also representing Madison. Her friends are very important to her and her closest ones are on the competition squad.

The competition squad has had an amazing season so far. They have competed at two competitions and won grand champions for both of them. They did better at the second competition they competed at. The second competition they got best jumps, best choreography, and grand champions.

They are improving and it is very impressive because they have such a big squad this year. Their squad has both JV and Varsity cheerleaders in it. Amber is the only senior remaining on the squad due to some injuries. Amber Ferra is excited to finish off her last two season of basketball cheer leading and competition cheer leading and is going to work hard to try and get grand champions with her friends by her side at her last few competitions.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Up in the Air

By: Dominique Palker

There are many talented boys on the freshman basketball team and they show off their talent on the court. I asked two of the boys on the team a couple of questions about their basketball season so far.

I started off by asking Ryan Amos, number 33, some questions, I asked him questions like how his season is going and how different high school basketball is from middle school. He told me that he is enjoying basketball a lot and, “yes it is different from middle school because it is more competitive, people are getting bigger and stronger so I have to be strong back.” We then talked about his position, he said he plays guard, and being a guard means that you have to be on point and in the other person's face. He said he is excited for next year, he is ready to move his way up.

After talking to Ryan, I decided to talk to some other players so I chose Will Eaton, number 45. Will is a center on the freshman basketball team. He has been playing basketball since kindergarten and plans on playing for as long as he can. I asked him how different high school basketball is from middle school or even elementary. He told me that, “yes it is different, yes it is harder but it betters me.” He then told me, “different coach, different playing style,” Will plans on playing basketball next year and growing as a player.

Silent but Deadly

By: Sydney Guyer

       As a soccer, basketball, and  softball player Chloe's athletic abilities show no limits. As a sophomore, she has been a part of the record-setting defensive team in soccer for two years and has been a starter for the varsity team the past two years in basketball. While Chloe's job during soccer is to not let anyone score, she gets the offense started and dishes out assists to help her team score during basketball. 

       One of her favorite moments from the season so far is when she hit two very clutch three pointers to help lead the varsity team into overtime vs their rivals the Geneva Eagles. Even after the season is over, Chloe continues to work on her game into the spring with her AAU team, IHI. 

       Chloe continues her hustle and determination off the court and into the classroom also. She maintains over a 4.0 GPA and strives to excel to get good grades in all of her classes. After high school, Chloe plans on attending college on either an athletic or academic scholarship and hopes to play basketball while she's there. While she doesn't know what she wants to study in college, she wants to end up coaching a youth basketball team later in life.

       Chloe's favorite memories from this year are when the girls varsity soccer team won district finals for the first time in school history and, "when Syd Guyer and I covered Coach Butler's car entirely in sticky notes."

       Chloe's favorite sports team are the Cavs and her sister's 7th grade basketball team. She enjoys playing with her dog, Champ, and likes to watch the movie The Breakfast Club. 

Cooking Up a Storm

By: Alyssa Molnar

        After the four day weekend the cooking class is cooking up a storm. Last Tuesday they learned about and how to use the different cooking utensils they will be working with throughout the semester. The class learned about the different knives to use and the peelers. Last Wednesday the class did a nutrition packet to see what the healthiest food has in it. They also learned how to read the labels on certain foods to see what has good ingredients and what foods do not. 

      On Thursday the class got back into their groups for Mrs.Clark’s demonstration. Mrs.Clark showed the class how to make pie crust for the chicken pot pie that the class made on Friday. After she showed them how to make the pie crust Mrs.Clark went on to show the class how to make monkey bread. After the demonstration was done the groups got together and set up their plan for their lab for Friday where they made chicken pot pie. 

      To start off making the chicken pot pie the students must start by making the double pie crust. The double pie crust calls for, 2 cups of all purpose flour, ½ teaspoons of salt, ⅔ cup shortening, and 6 to 7 tablespoons of cold water. They put all those ingredients into a bowl and mix it up soon having the dough they will need for the chicken pot pie crust.

      After the dough is made they can start putting all the other ingredients with it. They used 1 10 ¾ oz cream of potato soup, ½ cup of milk, 1 bag of frozen mixed vegetables, 2 cups of cooked chopped chicken, 1 teaspoon of minced garlic, 1 small onion, and coarse ground pepper. They put all those ingredients into the dough and poke holes into the top of the dough that’s covering the inside. Then they put the pot pie into the 375 degree oven for 30-40 minutes or until the crust is done and you will have an amazing chicken pot pie.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Student Studio

By: Shane Noblit
The Student studio is a small art room created by Mr. Head; the Madison High School Art teacher. Its purpose is to give aspiring artist a place to create their own masterpieces. The Student Studio is located inside of the art room. It was created from a storage for old art pieces and extra supplies and transformed into an elegant studio.

The door, pictured above, was drawn by a Madison high school senior named Taylor Stevens. She says that, "the student studio is a place for students to do whatever they want”.  She believes that this is a true help to art students and artistic students. “Mr. Head gave me the opportunity to draw and paint the door to the student studio, he saw me doodling flowers and he wanted me to incorporate those on to the door,” she said.

It gave her small artistic doodle a huge chance to become an expressive outlet. She has been working on it for a bit and it is almost done. She is very proud of it and “very thankful that Mr. Head chose me to paint the door”. Multiple projects are being created in that very room and Taylor Stevens is not the only student that will be showing their artistic talent to the school.

The student studio is filled with not only amazing art by the students, but all of the instruments they need to create their masterpieces. Each student who has taken an art class or is currently taking an art class knows of the student studio room and is allowed to use it as long as they want to be artistic.

What it Takes to be a Cheerleader

By: Jillian Jeschenig

Both the JV and Varsity cheer teams spend their days practicing and preparing to perform at our school’s events. Football games, basketball games, and pep assemblies all require new cheers and dance routines that many times these girls come up with themselves. And sometimes their hard work goes unnoticed.

Abbey Schultz, a junior who has two years JV as well as almost a full year of Varsity and competition cheer under her belt, has lots of advice for those who are interested in the team and wonder what it takes to join. “Earning my Varsity spot took a lot of hard work and dedication because I had to work on my flexibility for jumps, which are a very important part of being on the team. All of the work pays off though because I’ve made so many memories with these girls that I wouldn’t trade for the world”.

Tryouts are always nerve-wracking, but developing a good relationship with her coach beforehand helped her out a lot. “Never be afraid to ask from help from the older girls, it may seem scary but they’ve been in your shoes before and are always opening to giving people pointers on how to improve”.

Time management is extremely important when it comes to being on the team. The girls have to perfect their new dances, cheers, and jumps before certain deadlines, which can be stressful sometimes. However, the team has a great environment and all the girls get along very well. “I love this team and I’m going to miss the seniors so much. Being on this team has brought so many great friends into my life and even if it may be stressful sometimes, I wouldn’t want it any other way”. Abbey is excited for the rest of this basketball and competition season and is looking forward to her senior cheer season and hopes for a great year full of lots of memories.

Congratulations Marcus!

By: Amelia Marlow

Congratulations to Senior Marcus Horton, who earned the distinction of representing the Class of 2019 at Commencement as a Co-Valedictorian with a 4.538 GPA. Marcus will have the honor of giving a speech to his classmates during the graduation ceremony.

When Marcus found out he was chosen to give a speech, he was more nervous than anything else. This is going to be a first for him, since he has never given a speech in front of anyone, let alone a full gymnasium of people.

Near the end of his sophomore year, Marcus made it a personal goal to finish at the top of his class. He was confident in his abilities and worked hard to fulfill his mission. From a personal standpoint, Marcus said twelve years of school paid off and he has a chance to show everyone how.

While Marcus doesn't know what he's going to say in his speech, he knows it'll be out of the box. If anyone has suggestions, Marcus is open to hearing them.

When Marcus was asked if he has any advice for future seniors regarding school or life in general, he said "That's a good question. Don't take school too seriously because high school gives you the most freedom in your life. But school prepares you for the rest of your life so it should be an important factor."

Bravo to Marcus for achieving this once in a lifetime opportunity. His determination and work effort is an inspiration.

The Competing Voices

By: Gavin Dooley

The Madison High School Women’s choir will be attending the annual contest held by the Ohio Music education Association as they have been for quite some time. The contest will include different schools and will be judging the students on different categories. For example, sight reading, which is being able to perform music without previously practicing the piece before hand, and also how well they were able to perform.

The judges will be judging the students independently on their skills as well, which makes a new layer of challenge for the competing students. The Women’s choir was even given an award to be hung up from last year’s OMEA contest. The Women’s choir will also be participating in other events and competitions other than attending state competitions. There are also events that the other choirs in Madison High School can attend like similar competitions where they too will be judged in similar categories as the women’s choir in their contests.

The OMEA also has contests for school bands too. The auditions have already happened so let’s hope that our school ranks high in the competition. Also remember to support the choir and go to the competitions that they are auditioning for in 2019.

Some of the senior students that are in women’s choir and will be participating in these competitions and other future choir events will be: Gabrielle Perusek, Brooke Howley, Shaina Bradley, Emily Gibson, and Jordan Goglin. Remember to wish these students good luck on their future auditions, performances, and competitions!

The Rematch

By: Jordan Pasalaqua

On Saturday, January 26th the Boys Swim team will be traveling to the East End YMCA to face Eastlake North High school. The boys will have a home pool advantage against North. Last year the boys swim team only lost by ten points to North, the score was 120-110.

This match is very important to the boys because it’s a rivalry as well as a Conference Meet, and they want to be able to pull out another Conference win. The coaches for the boys are Thomas Hill and Aja Redek, they think the keys to victory for the team are to have good fast turn overs, long strokes, and tight streamlines to pull for the win.The expectations that the boys and coaches are hoping for, is to have a close meet or win it all. Thomas and Aja said the boys have been working really hard this year and are very proud with their performances in the water.

The first team leader of the boys team is Owen Hennessey. Owen is the fastest swim sprinter on the team, he swims the 50 and 100 freestyle. Owen won two conference races last week being in first place for the boys. Owen’s thoughts for the next meet are to have a lot of Pr’s, he also says that they most likely will not win but it isn’t out of their reach, it will definitely be a challenge for them.

The second team leader for the boys is Collin Douglas. He holds the school record for the 200 individual medley, and can swim any event well. However, he specializes in the 200 IM, 200 Freestyle, the 100 Butterfly, and the 100 Backstroke. His insights for the team and himself are that the boys have had a really good season so far, and he found out that he can push himself further than he previously could. Both Owen and Collin think the they can bring home a victory and break many personal records.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Fighting back

By: Kennedy Rochford

  This upcoming Friday, the 25th at 7 pm the varsity boys basketball team has a game at Mayfield. This game is going to be intense because the other time they played each other this year, Madison lost by 2 points. In order to win this game they will need to work together as a team and give it their all. The players also get pumped up by their coach, Coach Gustin’s speeches he gives and when talking to some of the players they said a good speech from his will help them get their head in the game and be confident going into the game.
This game is important because it is a conference game and as of right now their record is 7-6 and a win can help them get their record up, and they almost won the last intense game against each other so it will be a nice comeback for the boys. The boys expectation of this upcoming game is they will have to have their heads in the games and it will be an intense game but they will end up winning. “If you think you’re going to win you’re going to lose," Junior Zach Waterman said.

One of the team leaders is Senior, Marcus Horton making a most of his senior season with an average of 4 assists per game and is a good teammate and glue for the team. Another team leader is Junior, Chris Blauman who a lot of points to the scoreboard each game with an average of 17 points per game. These two boys and the whole team will play as a game this Friday on the court to bring home that win.

In the spotlight

By: Cali Henry

Rocky Riestra is a senior at Madison High School. In the first semester, she’s earned a lot of spot light by becoming the homecoming queen, which is a big deal and a dream come true to a lot of people. She’s definitely going to earn more spotlight during Project Unify and throughout second semester because of her amazing personality.

Rocky is not just known for becoming homecoming queen. She also participates in Project Unify with her friends, as mentioned before. She’s interested in doing arts and crafts and likes showing her unique skills in talent shows.

Rocky has a kind soul. She’s nice, caring, says hi to everybody and is easy to approach and talk to. She’s also a role model to others. Rocky wants to continue accomplishing her goal of saying hi to everyone and talking to her friends and teachers which many people believe is amazing.

Her best moments in high school are of course becoming homecoming queen and spending a lot of time with her friends. Rocky is planning on going to college after she graduates high school. She doesn't know what college she wants to go to yet but if anything she wants to go to a college that's in North Carolina.

Rocky loves to watch scary movies. Some of her favorite scary movies include JigSaw and Jason. Rocky enjoys participating in sports such as baseball, basketball and soccer. Her favorite classes are any class where Mrs. Ferra is involved, Mrs. Ferra is her favorite teacher.

You win some, you lose some

By: Dawn Brassow

Your Blue Streaks JV boys basketball team had an eventful week playing two games. They played the Riverside Beavers on Friday and took a heartbroken defeat with the ending score of 33-44. They fought hard but came up short. In the 4th quarter the score was back and forth. They were hoping to stay in the lead, but the clock ran out and they didn't have enough time to bring the score back up. Sophomore, Noah Tweedy, fouled out in the fourth quarter. The ref in this game did not make decisions that was correct. The team learned a lot from this game and took their knowledge and drive to win to the next day.

 On Saturday, The JV team worked together and destroyed Saint Martin with the final score of 54-42. The boys learned a lot from these two games that sometimes you have to lose a game to learn from your mistakes and become better basketball players. The boys have only lost two games this season so far and are doing great on working hard to do the best they can as a team.

Their next game is Friday, January 18th at Chardon against the Hilltoppers. They are a very hard working team and do their best at each and every game. It really shows how well they practice since they are doing so well this season. They even have some freshman on the team. They hope they win this game and get as much support as possible.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tyra's Future at Auburn

By: Michael Smith

Tyra chose to attend the patient care technician program at auburn career center to get ahead of her nursing career. The reason that I chose Tyra Orinko to do my snapshot on is because she is a well devoted student and I knew that she would excel in her auburn career path that she choose.

Tyra is a straight A student at auburn also she is in two leadership clubs and in a drug free club. So, because of all of Tyra accomplishments, I thought that she deserved recognition.

Tyra really stands out from other students because she is always the first one to offer up helpto anyone that needs it. Tyra is always the first of to stand up for her friends or anyone else around her. In high school Tyra wants to would like to better her GPA and work harder to become the best softball player that she could possibly be.

Tyra's over all best moment in high school was when she meet her wonderful friends that she grew up with and all of her teammates on her soft ball team. Tyra plans on furthering her nursing career and working to get her license to be a nurse at Cleveland State.

Tyras favorite class is math class, her favorite sports teams are the Indians and the Cavs, her favorite movies/ tv shows are You, Kissing Booth and Storage Wars, and her favorite sport to play is softball.  

Seeing through both eyes

By: Kelsey Burkholder

Becca Martin is a freshman on the girls junior varsity basketball team. She is a very hard working person, determined athlete and stands out because she is a good leader.  She isn’t afraid to be different from others.

Goals that she still has in high school is to get her varsity letter in basketball. She also wants to letter in track. She is hoping to make the honor roll every year and wants to be a part of National Honors Society. Her favorite memories were from weight training with her favorite seniors.  Especially Dawn and Kelsey. Her goals for the future are going to The Ohio State University. Another goal is playing varsity basketball. She wants to break track records and is hoping that she can break the shot put and discs.

Some of her favorite things starting with sport teams are the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cleveland Browns. Her favorite class right now is Spanish, and one of her favorite movies is Remember the Titans. As a freshman she is a very successful person so far. She currently has a black eye from her basketball game last night, she took an elbow to the face. All there out middle school she has gotten straight A’s. She takes all honors classes, is in Key club, and the leaders club.  She also broke the middle school discus record. She overall is a very hard working individual and a great leader with plenty of time to accomplish her goals.

Back to School

By: Nannette Neely

Evan Loughman is a college student at Lake Erie College. He is visiting Madison High School for a couple months as a teachers aid for Mrs. Maiorana.

Evan played football, track and wrestling. In track he competed at Sheridan, his career best being 13.8 in the 100, 1:02.4 in the 400, 55’11.75 in the shotput and 129’9 in the discuss. He also finished third in the state in track. Evan was a four-time All-Ohio wrestler.

In wrestling he broke his leg, he was gonna quit the team but his coach didn’t want him to. Evan didn’t quit later that year Evan didn’t know he was gonna rank that high in wrestling.

In football he made the Third-Team All-Ohio in football. While he is visiting Madison High School he hopes to develop lesson plans and to complete activities that students find interested. Also he wants to meet the requirements of Ohio Academic Standards.

Evan plans are to finish his last semester on the Dean’s list and get his master degree. After that he wants to find a job he is interesting in doing or what he wants to do.

When Evan was in high school his favorite class was yearbook. He took that class for two years. His favorite sports team is the Cincinnati Bengals. Evan was a busy guy going from wrestling to football to track. I’m doing Evan because I am new to Madison. At my old school we never had had teacher aids so I thought it would be awesome to interview Evan before he goes back to college.

Friday, January 18, 2019

The Start of Cooking

By: Alyssa Molnar

School is back in session the cooking class has picked their groups and are starting off this semester learning many different cooking techniques and skills that will help them throughout this semester. They’ve learned basic cooking skills like how to cut and cube different ingredients. They also learned how to coddle and how long to let things simmer.
The class went on a tour of the kitchen finding out how to work all the appliances and learning their way around the kitchen and becoming more comfortable with their surroundings. Mrs. Clark also showed the class the kitchen floor plans and many different plans how you can be comfortable cooking in your own kitchen. So far this week they have learned how to work together in groups and have to work on time management skills to save time to have a successful cooking class.
Mrs. Clark demonstrated how to make peach cobbler on Thursday the 17th, the class will be cooking their first recipe on Friday the 18th apple cobbler for this recipe they sectioned off parts of the recipe to make cooking more fun and easier. This recipe includes flour,sugar,baking soda and powder,butter,milk,walnuts, cinnamon,brown sugar,cornstarch, shredded lemon peel, and peaches.    

On Wednesday the 16th the class learned how to work in groups and picked their groups that they will be working with for the rest of the semester. Also, on Wednesday they had their first test which students say was not too bad but a little difficult.

The Umbrella Project

The L.E.A.F. project is a project created to expand the artistic talents that are students have. The project is called the Umbrella project; it gives upper level art students a problem based project to expand their educational experience. With the talent and time of the students, the umbrellas are transformed into beautiful artwork.

Each school has a team of no more than 3 students. They use non-toxic, waterproof pigment markers to create their art. The top 50 teams that make it into round two of judging will get to participate in “Singing in the rain”. The first, second, and third place will receive a  scholarship of 1,000, 750, and 500 dollars.

In Madison we have some of are greatest artist participating. One student would be Amber Depoy. She is an outstanding student and wonderful person. She enjoys drawing in her own form rather than realistic, she is the leader of art club and enjoys helping students find their own artistic ability. Her umbrella (pictured below) has an assortment of characters,both her own creation and recreation of well known characters. Mr. Head, the art teacher, enjoys the L.E.A.F. project too because it gives a challenge to his students broadening their horizon of artistic knowledge. Creating projects like this brings students together all across Lake county, giving them a chance to project their talents to the world and share a common interest. The continuation of this project would be shown as quite helpful to the community and are students.

One final match

By: Taylor Stevens

After four years on the matt, these 6 boys wrestle their last home match of the season. The team said a hard farewell to Brody Arrundale, Douglas Bailey, Patrick Baldree, Shayne Magda, Nicholas Meyers, and David Thompson.

Three seniors took victories against the Mayfield Bobcats. Brody Arrundale won his match by a tech. Brody has some unique advice for young wrestlers looking to get better. “Amputate all your limbs and get bionic limbs because wrestling wears your body down and eventually you’ll be an 18 year old trapped in a 60 year olds body”. Brody’s goals for the rest of the season is to win all of his matches.

Doug Bailey won by decision, 3-0. Shayne Magda won by default, forfeit. This  match was not one of Madison's wrestling teams finest moments, they still have a lot of work to do and they still have a lot of their 2018 - 2019 season left.

The next home meet for the team is the WRC Tournament. This tournament is a big deal for this team, it will determine who qualifies for states. With goals being accomplished and new ones being made, the Madison Wrestling team has had a great season. The team is practicing hard and pushing their bodies to their limits, as Brody said before. All the hard work is going to pay off in the end for these boys, everyone can not wait to see where the rest of the season leads for them.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Offensive Star

By: Kennedy Rochford

Junior Chris Blauman is a starter for the varsity boys basketball team for the second year in a row. Chris is a good offensive player who usually has a lot of points per each game, one of his favorite basketball highlights was this year against Brush they played very well as a team and they were winning at halftime against the best team in the conference. Chris enjoys playing with all the guys and they are all a close group. When Chris isn’t in basketball he is playing singles in tennis during the spring.

Not only is Chris good at basketball but he is very good at academics, he has over a 4.0 and his favorite subject is science. One of his favorite memories from his whole high school experience so far is when the team went to Broadmoor. Chris either wants to get a scholarship for academics or athletics, his school of choice to go to was Florida Gulf Coast University. After school he wants to become a pharmacists and travel. When he is not on the court or at school he is playing his favorite video game, NBA 2K. His favorite movie is Guardians of the Galaxy Vo.2, his favorite food is spaghetti, and his favorite sports team is the Green Bay Packers. One of the main thing that stands out about Chris is he is up to talk to anyone and very friendly. Also his hair and height are one thing that everyone notices about him.

We are one

By: Toni Burr
The community within Madison High School is a supportive and loving environment for those who stand out. With Project Unify coming back for its fourth year here at Madison High School, the entire school is ecstatic to cheer on their peers. It will be taking place February 14th, on Valentines day. Senior, Maddie Shires, and Junior, Caleb Thompson, will be taking over on planning the event this year. They have taking part in choosing the colors, this year they are a Raspberry and a Sky Blue, and the events that will happen during the halftime show. The teachers the students are facing is still a secret but it will be a great game.
When watching the game, be ready to see both the girls and boys varsity Basketball teams helping out the students in the game. Right now the student section is getting put together, so if you would like to join it, make sure to sign up soon! Also the shirts will be on sale soon so make sure you keep your eyes out for them. They will be selling for only $10 and all of the proceeds will be going towards the Special Olympics.

Last year's game was amazing! The colors of last year's game were green and white. With last year being such a close game, Alex baron scored the game winning shot. Although the students took home the win last year, come support your favorite side and the teachers and students face off once again in the game of basketball.