Monday, January 28, 2019

Up in the Air

By: Dominique Palker

There are many talented boys on the freshman basketball team and they show off their talent on the court. I asked two of the boys on the team a couple of questions about their basketball season so far.

I started off by asking Ryan Amos, number 33, some questions, I asked him questions like how his season is going and how different high school basketball is from middle school. He told me that he is enjoying basketball a lot and, “yes it is different from middle school because it is more competitive, people are getting bigger and stronger so I have to be strong back.” We then talked about his position, he said he plays guard, and being a guard means that you have to be on point and in the other person's face. He said he is excited for next year, he is ready to move his way up.

After talking to Ryan, I decided to talk to some other players so I chose Will Eaton, number 45. Will is a center on the freshman basketball team. He has been playing basketball since kindergarten and plans on playing for as long as he can. I asked him how different high school basketball is from middle school or even elementary. He told me that, “yes it is different, yes it is harder but it betters me.” He then told me, “different coach, different playing style,” Will plans on playing basketball next year and growing as a player.

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