Friday, January 25, 2019

The Competing Voices

By: Gavin Dooley

The Madison High School Women’s choir will be attending the annual contest held by the Ohio Music education Association as they have been for quite some time. The contest will include different schools and will be judging the students on different categories. For example, sight reading, which is being able to perform music without previously practicing the piece before hand, and also how well they were able to perform.

The judges will be judging the students independently on their skills as well, which makes a new layer of challenge for the competing students. The Women’s choir was even given an award to be hung up from last year’s OMEA contest. The Women’s choir will also be participating in other events and competitions other than attending state competitions. There are also events that the other choirs in Madison High School can attend like similar competitions where they too will be judged in similar categories as the women’s choir in their contests.

The OMEA also has contests for school bands too. The auditions have already happened so let’s hope that our school ranks high in the competition. Also remember to support the choir and go to the competitions that they are auditioning for in 2019.

Some of the senior students that are in women’s choir and will be participating in these competitions and other future choir events will be: Gabrielle Perusek, Brooke Howley, Shaina Bradley, Emily Gibson, and Jordan Goglin. Remember to wish these students good luck on their future auditions, performances, and competitions!

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