Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Wrestling 2020

On Friday January 17th and Saturday January 18th, the boys wrestling team traveled to Licking Height Highschool in the Columbus area in Ohio. Not the whole team ,but the boys that made weight left school early on that Friday school day to make they way down to the tournament. They faced the teams Central Crossing, Mansfield, Westernville, and Fairview Union in the tournament. The team as a whole has been struggling for wins even though they have a couple really strong players down here on the Madison team. Such as Brad Mckeon (junior), Chris Plummer (senior), Logan Blough (senior) and more. Those members are stellar athletes on the boys wrestling team this season with great outcomes on the mats almost every time. However, as the season progresses the boys are showing more effort and greater wins. At the competition in Columbus, they placed 5th as a team. Chris Plummer placed 2nd place in his division. The coaches were very proud of him for his performance because the season is almost over and it is his senior season. Also along with Chris, Brad Mckeon, and Dom Zirkle also placed 2nd in their division.  Plus Jason Davidson showed out with a 3rd place win at the tournament during his last year at Madison HIghschool wrestling. The boys season is a little bit more than half way over now and they still need the support from the Madison Blue streaks fans. Make sure to come out and support. 

By: Cailin Keller

What Eclectica Means To Ana Ramirez

  Ana Ramirez is a sophomore member of the Madison High School Eclectica. Ana has been a member of Eclectica since her freshman year and in middle school, she was a member of show choir for all three years. Her favorite thing about being a member of Eclectica is the music. She sings as a second soprano. The music is something she always looks forward to learning and singing. When she gets to class, she likes learning something new everyday that will help her mind grow.
Everyday the Eclectica class meets last period to practice their routines. The students bonds with each other grow stronger each day as they see one another. They all share common interests with each other which makes the class even more enjoyable for them. Ana says Eclectica is her favorite class of the day and she wouldn’t change anything about it. She is mostly excited for cabaret in April. Cabaret is an event that shows off all the students musical talents. Ana states how the performances always look so good and how everyone is able to tell how much work the students put in to each of the different songs.
 She is also excited for all the new songs they are going to be learning and performing at upcoming events. Her favorite thing to do in her free time is listen to music and spend time with friends and family. Her favorite food is pasta and her favorite movie is called “My Girl,” written by Laurice Elehwany.

By: Kylee Mramor

Swim 2020

Madison High’s boys and girls swim teams continue to climb to the top of the pack.    Striving to build strength and become the best that they can be, they continue to lift no less than four days a week. Their last meet was at  North High School where the girls came up with a win and the boys fought a good battle falling short.  Their next meet will be held at Cleveland Heights with Perry and Brush to following. The team prides themselves on being a swim family. They support each other both in the water and out of the water. Each week they get together for a team dinner to mentally prepare for their upcoming meets. With the thought of districts on their minds, their focus is intense. The boys only have a few more meet before the season is over and they are trying really hard to get their name on the board before it’s too late. One of the boys had just made a record on the board but only one it takes longer for the boys to get a record because dillon said they are much higher than the girls. The practices are 3 hours long normally at night because it will wake them up more. Dillon said that the swim tea is like his second family. Swim team is hoping to do good this meet and hopes that everyone cane come and join and give them as much support as they can get be there Thursday, Cleveland.     

By: Makenzie Smith

Monday, January 27, 2020

Preparing For LCMEA


The Madison High School choirs will be attending the LCMEA choir festival, Lake County Music Education Association, on Thursday, February 20th, 2020 at 7pm in the Mentor High School. LCMEA is a choir festival where a bunch of schools come together to form a mass choir and sing the music that all of the schools have worked hard on. The choirs will be singing a variety of different songs. One of the songs is “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” by John Rutter. This song is a traditional song that the MHS choirs sing at LCMEA. They invite their alumni choir members to come up with them to perform it at the festival. The other songs that the choirs will be singing are “A Million Dreams,” from the movie “The Greatest Showman.” They’ll also be singing “Wide Open Spaces” by Sarah Quartell, “Dies Irae” by Schwedischer Rundfunkchor, and a few other pieces of music that they’re working on. In class, the MHS choirs are practicing strengthening their sight reading, solfege skills, and sight reading rhythms skills. Another event that has been taking place in the choir environment is Solo and Ensemble. Solo and Ensemble was held at the Madison High School this year over the weekend of January 24th through the 26th. Different schools including Madison, participated in Solo and Ensemble by performing songs they worked on either individually or in a group, in front of judges to get a rating on how they did. The MHS choir members scored a great overall rating being a soloist or being in a group of a 1 or a 2.

By: Kylee Mramor

Solo and Ensemble

This is their day to shine. The band members have a big moment coming up. Solo and ensemble is an amazing way that band members are able to show off their skills and show what they have accomplished this past year. Band members have the choice to participate or not. The band members who do choose to participate can either do a solo, play with a pianist, or be in a small group. It is a good way to show what they have been doing in band all this time. This year Madison High School is hosting. We are having a lot of different schools coming in and showing off their talents as well as our own students. Band members are working hard to make the school just right for solo and ensemble. There are a lot of students who are staying after school to help Mr. Tomko prepare for it all. Without their help none of this would be possible. Even though they all have busy schedules with pep band games and their everyday life they still are making the time and effort to help out. The students who signed up to be in solo and ensemble picked out the songs they will be playing and have spent a lot of time practicing to make sure they are at their best. They hope to see you all there to support them and cheer them on. They have all been working hard to help put this all together and would love to see a lot of people there.

By: Megan Porter

PBIS Coming To MHS

On Friday January 24th 2020, Madison Highschool had a pep assembly to spread PBIS throughout the school. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior In School, it’s a great way for students to spread positive energy to other students throughout the school. Throughout the school, posters were put up to help students think about their behavior in different school settings. The posters have different methods of positive behavior that students can do to make the school a better place. At the assembly it started off with Mr. Riley and Mr. Cramer explaining how PBIS works and why it makes the school a better place. After they explained how PBIS works, they played a video cameo of Kevin from the Office. Kevin then made a couple of jokes and shouted out Madison for having PBIS behavior and our principal. The PBIS video made by Lexi Fleischer, Chania Crawford, Nyla Chandler, Jillian Jeschenig, Justus Albert, Ryan Bowers, Fabi Ruiz-Diaz, Jacob Glass, Cj Kessler, Adam Grierson, and Hunter Nazdan was shown at the assembly where they all took videos of them using positive words to their peers when they weren’t showing good behavior in a school setting. After the video was shown, people had their names drawn if they showed PBIS behavior in the school. The people that had their names drawn, then had to play a game to see who got to pie Mr. Whaley in the face. To win the game, they had to get all of the ping pong balls out of their tissue box tied around their backs. Jenna Kadas ended up winning the game and got to pie Mr. Whaley in the face! The Madison High school students had a blast at the assembly, and hopefully will show PBIS behavior in the school!

By: Chania Crawford

A Hard Fought Night

On Friday, January 17th, the boys basketball team took on the Mayfield Wildcats. This was an important WRC game, but it was also the return of senior, Ryan Bowers after his ACL injury. Ryan tore his ACL this past summer and throughout his recovery he was unsure if he would be able to play at all during his senior year, which is any athlete’s worst nightmare. But just a few weeks ago, he was cleared by his doctors and played his first minutes during this game. When I talked to Ryan about how it felt to be back he said, “It was great to be back on the court, I missed playing with my friends and the atmosphere in the gym during the games”. This was a tough game for the guys and even though they didn’t end the night with a win, the boys played hard. You could feel the emotion on the court as they gave it their all but they ended up coming up short. One of Ryan’s closest friends, senior Chris Blauman, was very excited to be on the court with Ryan again, “It was definitely one of the happiest moments of my basketball career, I can’t wait for senior night when we get to all play together”. With only 8 games left in the regular season, everyone needs to come out and support the boys as much as they can. Their next game is away at Kenston on Tuesday, January 28th and varsity will start around 7.

By: Jillian Jeschenig

Friday, January 24, 2020

Swishin The Shot

Over the week the lady bluestreaks hosted the Mayfield Wildcats in a home WRC match. During the first quarter, the Streaks didn’t start with as good of a start that they were wanting. The team was already under pressure and worried about the score. With a timeout called by Coach Wagner, he told the girls to calm down, slow down, and focus. Coming into the 2nd quarte,r the Lady Bluestreaks started to pick up the pace and make some good shots overall working really well together as a team.

Riley Montagner, sophomore, had great offensive and defensive work against the lady wildcats. Driving to the basket and getting fouled did a great deed of help pulling back up to a close game. Chloe Wakim, junior, also had a good game with tremendous defense on the press and trapping the ball causing a few steals. Chloe Bancroft, sophomore, drove to the basket and shot a few threes cutting the lead to single digits. Coming into the fourth quarter, the Lady Blue Streaks were on a run and ready to finish strong. With some fouls called and some great offensive movement, the Streaks cut the lead within one. After a back and forth game layup after layup for each team, there were only seconds left. Unfortunately for our lady streaks they couldn’t come off with a win losing by one point to the Mayfield Wildcats. The lady’s are back in action when they take on the talented Eastlake North Rangers in a home WRC match on the 18th.

By: Alyssa Molnar

Science Classes At MHS

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In Madison High there are many different science programs. Just a few include Biology, Physics, Anatomy, and many more. Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, and development and evolution. In simpler words, it is the study of life. There are five basic ideas of biology which include Cell theory, Energy, Heredity, Equilibrium, and Evolution. Cell theory is the basic unit of life, all living things are composed of cells, and all cells arise from pre-existing cells. Energy is important because all living things are required to have it, heredity is the DNA and genetic information, equilibrium is maintaining homeostasis, and lastly evolution is change over time causing biodiversity. Mrs. Ziegler is one of the teachers in the school that teaches biology and all the information listed above. Physics is another form of science. It is a natural science that studies matter, its motion, and behavior through space and time. Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion, and behavior through space and time. If you are a student that is really interested in the universe and how it works, physics is a class for you. Physics is always changing as new discoveries are being found. Lastly, another science class includes Anatomy. Mrs.Ziegler also teaches this class. Anatomy is a branch of natural science which deals with the structural organization of living things. During this course you’ll be able to dissect a cat which may be sensitive to some. Overall students learn many different things in science courses.

By: Nyla Chandler

Becca Martin: Jv Basketball Player


Becca Martin is a sophomore at MHS. She is on the girls’ JV basketball, and she is the center. Becca is a hard worker when it comes to her academics, and sports. Becca has been playing basketball since she has been in first grade. She absolutely loves this sport. She puts so much commitment, and dedication into basketball. She never gives up even when it might be looking like everything is going down hill. She will practice extra hard to focus on how she may be able to improve herself. Becca Martin is a positive person who everyone loves having around. She is known for being a good student, friend, and an athlete. What Becca mostly loves about basketball is that if you make a mistake on one end of the court, then you can hustle to make up for it on the next possession. One person that Becca admires without a doubt is her grandfather. He used to coach basketball, but now he helps Becca during the off season to improve her skills. He pushes Becca to be her best, and to always believe in herself because with practice she can achieve her goals. At basketball games he will be there in the stands cheering Becca on. Besides Becca’s love for basketball she loves marvel movies. She enjoys sour patch kids, and hanging out with her friends. Just like any other teenage girl she likes going shopping. After highschool she would like to go to Ohio State for psychology. One thing that she would love to have in life is to have tons of dogs. Thank you Becca for all of your positive energy, and all the good work.

By: Lexi Aiello

212 Savings

Here at Madison High School, there is a class that is required for every student to take at some point during their four years. This class is called PFL. PFL stands for personal financial literacy. This course has been at Madison for eleven years. Mr. Titman has taught PFL the entire time it has been here. Last year Mr. Titman decided to add something new to the class, something that got the students more involved with the course. Madison teamed up with the Lake County Federal Credit Union to teach the students more about managing their money. MHS has so much knowledge to offer when taking this course. In this class, you will deal with hands on activities that involve real life situations. A man named Kevin LaCamera comes into the MHS PFL class every Wednesday and talks to the students. Mr. LaCamera gets the students started off by opening their own bank account through the banking branch. Of course as a minor, you need a parents or guardians consent before you are able to open an account. If you are unable to open one, he has you use a fake one so you are still learning and experiencing just as much as the other students. When you open an account here, they start you off with twenty dollars, after that he has you do assignments so you can get use to how a debit card works. Although it may not be common today, you can learn how to use a check book through this class as well. The 212 Banking motto is, “212 bank, for all your banking needs.”  Money management is a very important skill to have and one that you will use throughout life.

By: Alyssa Lavdis

Lights, Camera, PBIS

As we settle into the second semester of the school year the idea of PBIS becomes a major focus for the students and teachers at MHS. PBIS, or also known as positive behavior in schools, was brought into the high school to create a better environment for everyone. Mr. Kramer is the advisor for these ideas in hopes to make the high school a more inviting and better place. The efforts to do so are based on the students who are willing to take time out of their day to make the school better and bring more respect with it as well. This week to get more school spirit and students involved, the best way was to make it a spirit week. On Tuesday it was hat day, Wednesday was twin day, Thursday was favorite sports day, finally on Friday is blustreak spirit day with an assembly to follow. Whoever participates in the themes has the chance to pie Principal Whaley in the face at the assembly. The assembly is not the only excitement that has to deal with PBIS, a group of students were chosen to make a video to demonstrate good PBIS behavior. The students involved were: Jacob Glass, Justus Albert, Lexi Fleischer, Nyla Chandler, Chania Crawford, Hunter Nadzan, Zach Waterman, Jillian Jeschenig, CJ Kessler, Fabi Ruiz Diaz, Ryan Bowers, and director Adam Grierson. Seven small videos were made by these students in different settings of the school to portray the positive attitude to bring into the school. When asked how Chania felt about the video she said, “Personally, I felt very honored to be part of this PBIS video because I hope it will make the school a better place, and I hope everyone enjoys the video, and has the same hopes as me.” For about four days, the students were taken out of their lunches and partially for some classes to spend as much time as the could on the video. The video ends with small snippets of every teacher in Madison High School that shoutout one student that they believe supports PBIS the best.

By: Lexi Fleischer

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Eleventh Grade Honors English Class

Madison high schools 11th grade honors class with Ms. Maiorana is kicking off into high gear! Students are currently working on their summer reading projects. At the beginning of the school year they were required to turn in their summer reading essays, and are now expanding their essays into a well written out five paragraph essay. After our summer reading project we get to pick our novels ,approved by the teacher, and complete an essay on it. The english class has many exciting projects planned for the year. Eleventh grade student, Alexis Fleischer, says, “ The project I am most excited for this year is to read the How to Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, I heard it’s a very good book from multiple people, and I can’t wait to see what Ms. Maiorana plans for us to do”.
There are many students in the English class eager to expand their english skills. The first day of school the students got to make their own we are poems to do group bonding and learn more about their classmates! They were assigned partners by rows and had to find things that they had in common in order to make the poem. It was a great way for students to get to know each other, that may not have previously known each other or known much about each other. The students then got to present their poems with the class. It was interesting to hear what people found in common and put in their poems!

By: Chania Crawford

MESHing It All Together

Math teacher, Mrs. Meshingpoosh, teaches precalc, algebra, and advanced algebra. She is always making sure there is good and high spirits in the classroom. Mrs. Mesh is very supportive of her students and enjoys attending sporting events at the school. She has taught at Madison High School for 20 years and is also an alumni, she graduated from the 1990 class. Mrs. Mesh attended Edinboro University for her undergrad math education, Gannon University for her masters degree, and finally Cleveland State for her principals certification. Her more in depth personality is very spunky, Mrs. Mesh has many hobbies and likes to spend her free time reading, playing pokemonGo, travel, cooking, and gardening. Mesh’s favorite sport team is the Ohio State Buckeyes football team. She does not have a particular favorite famous person but mainly they are players from a sport team, if it has to be narrowed down to one it is definitely Kevin Love. She describes herself as a tv junkie and as of right now she likes to watch the show Jack Ryan that she found on Amazon, although that is not the only show she watches. The best season in her opinion is fall and wish it could be like that all year round. When I asked her what her favorite famous quote was she had no hesitation in telling me, “you are never too young to invest in yourself- Always pay yourself first.” Mrs. Mesh is an amazing teacher and her students and coworkers will definitely agree that she brings a smile to everyone's face.

By: Lexi Fleischer

Taking Down The Beavers

The boys basketball team has started off their season strong with a 9-2 record so far, most recently they played Riverside on January 10th. After a hard-fought game, Coach Gustin helped the boys gain another win. This game was important because of the rivalry between the two schools, but also because senior Chris Blauman scored his 1000th point. When I talked to him about the game I asked what he thought led to this win and he said, “It helped that we didn’t give up and we played hard. Justus had a big three in overtime that put us ahead and secured the win which was very important.” I also talked to some people that were at the game and sophomore Lexi Fleischer told me that Chris Blauman gave a really good hype speech in a huddle that got all the guys and the student section pumped up. This was a big conference win for the boys, senior Jacob Land said, “This win shows that our team can come together even when it gets tough and get the win”. Also, senior Ryan Bowers has been cleared after his ACL injury this past summer so he will start playing again in their next games. The top three performers for this game were Chris Blauman, who had 19 points, Justus Albert, who had 11 points and a go-ahead 3 in overtime, and JD Galovic, who had 15 points. The next game is at home against Mayfield on January 17th at 7pm, hope to see everyone there!

By: Jillian Jeschenig

All About The Past

Social Studies is an important course to take because it teaches you how to make important decisions in life. There are many lessons to be learned throughout history. Here at MHS, we offer classes such as PFL, Human Behavior, World History Global Studies, U.S. Government CP and Ap, U.S. History CP and AP, Western Civ., and finally Current Events. Every student that attended MHS is required to take PFl and Current Events at some point throughout their four years here. In order to graduate, students must have earned and received at least four social students credits. Social Studies helps inform young people to make reasonable decisions that may or may not affect the people around them. Teachers that teach social studies at MHS include; Mr. Titman, Mrs. Replogle, Mr. and Mrs. Gilligan, Mr. Dragas, Mr. Wightman, and Mr. Moran. Last year was my first year at MHS and I had Mr. Titman as my PFL teacher. Taking PFL has taught me how to manage my money and also how to invest my money. Mr. Titman is a great teacher that cares about his students not just inside the classroom, but outside as well. This year I had Mrs. Replogle as my U.S. Government teacher. Mrs. Replogle is a great teacher with a great attitude. She is able to teach kids and get them in the right mindset for learning. Another social studies teacher I had was Mr. Gilligan. I took Current Events and learned so much about what was going on in the present life. Social Students teaches you all about the past.

By: Alyssa Lavdis

Catching Up with the Jv Girls’ Basketball Team

The Madison girls’ Jv basketball team kept up the tremendous hard work over winter break. They had some great wins over break. The girls were undefeated over break. Their first win over break was against Lakeside. On December 18th, they played against Brush, and the final score was 45-25. They played home on the 21st of December facing Howland Highschool 38-22. After winning continuously these girls still began to work hard for their next game by hoping to keep the victory streak going. Madison played against Harvey coming out with another successful game 36-19. As winter break started to come to an end the girls had another game which was their most dominant game over break 56-18 against South. The Madison girls jv team is currently 11-2. They have been putting in such great work since their season has started. Due to their hard effort into this sport that they love they’ve had been receiving some impressive results with all their wins. This team has great determination to strive this season, and has shown that they will not give up after a loss, they’ll come out stronger the next game. It shows true teamwork that these girls are continuously working together to not just improve themselves, but the entire team as a whole. They are able to handle working under pressure on the court or helping the team bounce back whether the situation is good or bad by always communicating well with each other. Tomorrow the girls will face North high school home at 12:30. Come out, and show all of your support for our girls!

By: Lexi Aiello

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ecology 2020

There is a wide variety of science programs in Madison High School. One of these sources includes ecology.  Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and their physical surroundings. It includes both biotic and abiotic components. Mr. Pira teaches this course along with ecology two. Some areas he covers in this course includes a holistic and interdisciplinary comprehension of biology, chemistry, physics, and physical geology to forge key concepts, principles, and theories within environmental science. In this class students are able to develop critical thinking skills as they examine man’s historic interactions with his environment in the context of local and global economies and cultures according to Mr.Pira. Throughout the course students are also able to explore and learn about the functions of various ecosystems such as, forrest, grasslands deserts, tundras and freshwater ecosystems. Students get a hands on learning experience as they practice with professionals from local organizations. Once the students get this first hand experience with local ecosystems, they will be introduced to the scientific language and skill sets required to dissect and assemble environmentals systems world round, paying particular attention to the relations between matter and energy within systems. Overall this course is conducted through field experiences supported by lectures, labs, projects and seminars. A balance between the different learning skills gives students to look at different things with different perspectives. This helps students find a learning strategy that helps them best as well as trying new things that they may have not done yet. If you're looking for a class that helps you expand knowledge in a unique way, ecology is the one for you.

By: Nyla Chandler