Monday, January 27, 2020

Solo and Ensemble

This is their day to shine. The band members have a big moment coming up. Solo and ensemble is an amazing way that band members are able to show off their skills and show what they have accomplished this past year. Band members have the choice to participate or not. The band members who do choose to participate can either do a solo, play with a pianist, or be in a small group. It is a good way to show what they have been doing in band all this time. This year Madison High School is hosting. We are having a lot of different schools coming in and showing off their talents as well as our own students. Band members are working hard to make the school just right for solo and ensemble. There are a lot of students who are staying after school to help Mr. Tomko prepare for it all. Without their help none of this would be possible. Even though they all have busy schedules with pep band games and their everyday life they still are making the time and effort to help out. The students who signed up to be in solo and ensemble picked out the songs they will be playing and have spent a lot of time practicing to make sure they are at their best. They hope to see you all there to support them and cheer them on. They have all been working hard to help put this all together and would love to see a lot of people there.

By: Megan Porter

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