Thursday, January 23, 2020

Eleventh Grade Honors English Class

Madison high schools 11th grade honors class with Ms. Maiorana is kicking off into high gear! Students are currently working on their summer reading projects. At the beginning of the school year they were required to turn in their summer reading essays, and are now expanding their essays into a well written out five paragraph essay. After our summer reading project we get to pick our novels ,approved by the teacher, and complete an essay on it. The english class has many exciting projects planned for the year. Eleventh grade student, Alexis Fleischer, says, “ The project I am most excited for this year is to read the How to Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, I heard it’s a very good book from multiple people, and I can’t wait to see what Ms. Maiorana plans for us to do”.
There are many students in the English class eager to expand their english skills. The first day of school the students got to make their own we are poems to do group bonding and learn more about their classmates! They were assigned partners by rows and had to find things that they had in common in order to make the poem. It was a great way for students to get to know each other, that may not have previously known each other or known much about each other. The students then got to present their poems with the class. It was interesting to hear what people found in common and put in their poems!

By: Chania Crawford

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