Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Jack's Journey Through the Junior year

BY: Jack Tagliamonte

Welcome to Jack's Journey Through the Junior Year, my first year of yearbook and they already trust me enough to make semi humorous and sparsely serious short articles for the blog. I'm sure this will be gone the second that I say anything stupid, but I'll take my chances and try to have some fun along the way.

Most people miss summer and wish we could just sleep in till noon everyday but now, we're forced to wake up at too early o'clock and stumble into our favorite home away from home, Madison High School. When I walked into Mr. Butler's class right after lunch B I didn't really expect to be given a position where I had all of this responsibility but I'm kinda digging it, I was gonna write about how I slept the night before and just be a filler for the actual interesting things that everyone else is writing about but Adrianna, the blog editor, also the biggest killjoy alive, had to kill my vibe and actually make make me do an interesting article.

But I'm not about to do that so I'm just gonna write about myself and what I plan on doing. I'm just gonna say I'm here to stay as long as I don't like... accidentally impale myself with my sword (oh yeah I have a sword) or like... die in a horrible accident involving an elephant and a cheese grater. I'm supposed to say I have some fun things to talk about and also some kinda serious stuff, I'm not a serious person so I'm gonna try to avoid it as much as possible, but of course our favorite blonde-headed, evil eyed editor will force me to do something at some point. There isn't really much to talk about but I have a 300 word quota so I'm kinda at a brain fart moment, hopefully someone gives me a topic to talk about at some point.

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