Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bringing the Storm

BY: Adrianna Hanzak

Throughout the 2017 season the Lady Blue Streaks had gone above and beyond, just about breaking six school records. As of Monday, October 23, you can consider it seven.

In the past, the Lady Streaks battled against the Mentor Cardinals on three occasions, never succeeding to deliver a shot into the back of their net, but on Monday they crossed paths yet again on Madison's home field to take on the fourth crusade.

The Lady Blue Streaks took on the first half with more fight than they have amid the entirety of the season. The Streaks brought the storm and made one eminent cross delivered by Hailey Nichols and a climactic shot taken by Mykayla Askew, as she bounced it off of the side post and into the far side of the net, the first goal in Lady Blue Streak history to be counted against the Mentor Cardinals.

Closing the half with a lead of 1-0, the Lady Blue Streaks were determined to not only take the first goal against the Cardinals, but also the first clean sheet.  With the defense that easily held out the ambitious teams on their season lineup, Defensive Captain Victoria Tromba made a feasible statement at halftime that every defender in the locker room surely took to heart: "The offense did their job, now we have to do ours."

The second half was the Lady Blue Streak's time to be determined in proving that the storm was here to stay. Throughout the half, the Streaks not only held the Cardinals out, but delivered yet another shot into the net by a subliminally placed shot from Kaitlyn Rohl. As the game came to a close, Monday, October 23 not only marked the first time the Lady Blue Streaks scored against the Cardinals, but added another clean sheet to their growing record.

Thursday, October 26 the Lady Blue Streaks are taking the trip to Eastlake North to take on the Mayfield Wildcats, in hopes of taking home the District Champion title. Come support the Lady Blue Streaks as they take the road to see if the Wildcats can weather their storm.

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