Thursday, October 12, 2017

First Year of High School

By: Kennedy Rochford

This year Freshman Jordan Rittacco tried out for the cheer team. As she had good feeling about this upcoming season, she made this year's Junior Varsity cheer leading team. So far she likes it a lot more and says that it is a lot more serious than any other cheer team she has been on. Not only does Jordan stand out for being a good and committed cheerleader, she also stands out for being funny and nice to others. What made her want to cheer was that in middle school she wanted to be with her friends and they thought it seemed fun and something new to try. She ended up loving it and the competition so she stuck with it. Also, she won a competition with her competition team in middle school. Not only did she cheer, she also ran the 200 and threw discus in track.

In school Jordan tries really hard and keeps her grades up so she can cheer and for her future. In her future she wants to go to college. She is still indecisive on where she wants to go to college but she knows she wants to go to college to be a physiologist and help people. When she is not in school, or when she is finished practicing, she likes spending time hanging out with her friends. Her favorite movie is the new movie “IT”. Jordan has created a lot of memories this season and can’t wait for future seasons with her friends. “They are not just my friends, they are family,” Jordan said.


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