Friday, September 28, 2018

Dancing in the Spotlight

BY:Dominique Palker

   Ashlee Jones is a Junior at Madison High School. She is also a member of Madison High Schools dance team and one of the two captions. The girls on the dance team would all agree that it would fall apart without her.
I asked Ashlee to tell me something about her and dance, she replied with: “I've been dancing for how long, and I still can’t count past 8.” This made me laugh. Ashlee enjoys dancing more than anything else. She also enjoys watching baseball, eating pizza and hanging out with her best friends, Hailey, Rylie, Dom, and Savanna.
Right now Ashlee is a junior in high school and goes to auburn in the morning for cosmetology. She said auburn is her favorite class, I then asked her who her favorite teacher at MHS is she told me it is Mr. Harold, who teaches English and act/sat prep.
Ashlee stands out to me, she can balance school, work, dance and family and still find time to hang out with friends. She has perfect attendance and has won an academic award the past two years. I asked her what her favorite high school memory is and she told me, 2018 Project Unify, I then asked her why and she then told me with a smile on her face, “I loved dancing during half time and seeing all the smiles and hearing the cheers from the whole school.” She then said, “I love seeing how the hole school came together as one”. This made me very happy to hear.
I asked Ashlee what she wants to do after high school, she said “ I would like to attend West Virginia University and study general business.” Ashlee is a spotlight player and deserves to be recognized.  

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