Friday, February 15, 2019

212 Day

 By: Cali Henry

            A special day that Madison High School celebrates on February 12th is 212 day. This is the first year that Madison High School decided to celebrate this event and is sponsored by Student Council.

What's so great about 212 you may ask? Well, 212 is the temperature where water boils which means it is hot and ready to go. The meaning of 212 is that our school is steaming hot and we are ready to go.

The Student Council realized this event was coming up and decided to have every student and staff member at the school celebrate it together. To celebrate, the school had a spirit day where teachers and students wore their Madison spirit wear, 212 spirit wear and blue and/or white.

During C lunch, seniors and squad leaders from the Blue Streak Marching Band did a march through around the whole school and they sounded really good! There was also a slide show playing on the projector during all lunches, showing pictures of students and staff showing their 212 spirit and supporting the sports teams.

I like to take a Shout out to the Freshman and Sophomore classes of Student Council, Mrs. Rode and Mrs. Laurie for putting this event together. I will also like to thank Mr. Willis for starting this 212 tradition as well. The students had a lot of fun and this tradition is definitely going to carry on during the future school years at Madison High School.

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