Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Cupid's Challenge 2019

By: Alyssa Knezevich

The Madison High school competition squad is traveling to Chardon High School this weekend to compete at the Cupid’s Challenge cheer competition. Our competition cheer team is the largest it has ever been and the girls are already doing amazing this season.

The girls have been awarded grand champions, best jumps, and best choreography so far this year. They have competed at the Lights, Camera, Action cheer competition and the Winter Beach Blast cheer competition. In both competitions the girls said they had a great time and that being on the floor getting ready to compete has to be one of the best feelings they have ever experienced.

The girls all feel really close to each other which makes them compete better since they have such a good bond, This week they are practicing hard for this weekend so they can have the same energy they had at the past two competitions they competed at.

The Cupid’s challenge competition will be more difficult for the girls to win grand champions because there will be more competition squads competing against them in their division. The girls said they will really need to work hard on their facials, being strict with motions, and making sure they are very peppy while competing on Sunday. If they do all of these techniques, work hard, and compete with the same energy they had the past two competitions, then the girls will have a pretty good chance at winning grand champions.

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